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What kind of characters/mercs you would like to see in JA ?


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3 hours ago, LoboNocturno said:

would interest me, do you also jump to the raided sector even if you have only 1 merc?

Well, I had my own style of playing JA2 (Night Ops mode). I had alot of games with only 1 merc. Often it was expensive merc: Scope or Ivan. Its very hard mode with alot of enemies. So after Omerta i always took Ira and then went to Drassen or San Mona for money. But i always fail after few game-days. I mean if my squad was dead or i had not enough money it was the end game for me for this session. I dont like save/load in this game. But it was interesting.

2 hours ago, LoboNocturno said:

he must be like the native guy from Predator

Yes, with high probability its Native American.

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12 hours ago, LoboNocturno said:

It was said we would be having around 40 mercs, which means together with the RPC`s may it will easily reach to 50 mercs.

I was unable to find the post were the devs stated the number of mercs, but I remember reading it that the total number of recruitable characters was 40? I could very well be wrong though.

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