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  1. Well how would you know if you are brainwashed if you are brainwashed... bro you sound like the basic Russian western tankie if you are not directly Russian that is... It is clear that russia is in the wrong here cause they attacked lol there is no doubt in healthy persons mind about that... I made the argument cause I hate that there is one side and other side and no middle ground... if the guy above is brainwashed you sound like abrainwashed guy too... I mean think for yourself and stop giving big countries like USA and Russia your ass for free use... just because they are big country and have nukes doesnt mean they are allways right and untouchable... if you make that argument you are just as brainwashed as the people exterminating everything russian lol ... stop it and be reasonable... dont trust every news story but dont be sceptic over every last new story either you feel me? makes you a better person and not just being aginst everything and just for laughs taking the side of tyrants... I will gladly debate you on that... trust me I am ginst superpowers like US Russia China and so on they have their own agenda and doesnt care about people of Ukraine and so on... I know what Ukrainians want cause I fucken know tons of them and fucken live with them... even work with them... well... thanks for reading lul πŸ˜„
  2. Yeah sure... basicaly Democracy is the best system people thought of. It is easy to hate on democracy but there is no better system.. and yes it has flaws. The democracy you described is something russia does... Voting as the core system in america is legit and there was never a single clue that it was a scam. The news leveraging pople? yeah that might be true but then tell me why Trump could win the elections if all the news were aginst him.. lol. I guess you are aginst Ukraine too but what you dont know is that the people want Democracy and you telling them they are wrong and democracy is wrong is so stupid... it is still better than what russia has or keeping the russian style corruption functioning. UA joining the western world will make their incredible corruption getting less and less occuring. If they want to join EU they will have to make it right...
  3. NONONO... I am so so much pro Ukraine kicking out warmongering russians out of UkraineΒ΄s land. But no this game is set in 2001 so historicaly it does not make sence... as a gesture? no no it would be pointless as Russia gets nothing from the flag being in the game... Ukraine would earn nothing from that too... it would just be pissing some people off and I mean not even russians... trust me I am the most anti russian imperialist current actions and I think Putin and other war criminals like the girl stealing Ukrainian childern and reeducating them to hating Ukraine and their parents... I think they should be triled in The Hague. Even I dont want to have the flags censored or changet to ukrainian trust me its a bad idea... If me... the devoted supporter of Ukraine and hater of imperialist russia dont want that... dont do that... it would be pointles with no purpose.. only empty gesture... I was even driving suplies to Ukraine and brought 1 family of Mom and 2 daughters to my home.. hell I can ask them on their opinion... trust me its not a good idea. Keep the game detached please... I am sure the Bulgarian devs are anti russian and even anti Soviet... Boyan even said in the last dev stream that Bulgaria had some unfinished business with Soviet occupation... DONT DO IT bad Idea... it would even look like virtue signaling and would be taken badly even by UA supporters... I mean some EXTREME anti russians would want that but the majority would not. And I am even aginst russian flags in sports cause they would use it for propaganda like they did at the begining of occupation with the wrestling guy wearing Z and stuff. Not here... dont do it here.
  4. The line of sight needs to be more harder... enemies look blind looking at the player and yeah... nothing... kinda weird do you agree? I hope in harder dificulties there it will be harder or it is truly wrong... Am I the only one that is pissed about the blind enemies? JA2 got it right with the night sneaking actualy working and the masking night vision UV Vision.. so on so on sneaking and so on..
  5. I agree the outfits are toooooo extremely clown like... there should be some exceptions that someone can be dressed funny like cowboy style mercs or somthing like that... but more casual outfits would be better... IDK about that painted faces.. I think its not really a bad thing but there should be normal enemies casualy dressed but these painted guys would be like special enemy sometimes accomodating them... but I guess you are right and make a good point the mercs and enemies are really clown like dressed and that its too much... ruining the immersion...
  6. WOW I just saw the latest dev stream and I was so wrong with wanting to have hit percentage in the game even toggle on/off.... you would just move and find the best place,, like pixel hunting for percentages of hitting... that game would be so boring and stupid... there needs to be NO hit percentage only hints what makes the shot more or less efective like it is now in the game... Boyan Ivanov was right when he said that in the stream... people playing it were only serching for the best position and not actualy playing the game as a bigger picture... throwing stuff and doing melee... only searching the percentage numbers... TRUST ME WE DONT WANT THE PERCENTAGE ON SHOOTING... thx for reading πŸ˜„
  7. Looks like I just became streamer/youtuber πŸ˜„ lol no really they should do some public test... but I get its kinda not possible with this kind of game right?
  8. Well ok I guess I am not that weird if I think JA2 kill animations had good level of gore... so what I think is enough? Lets make a list... grunts when hit/dying... animations diferent on from which direction the guy was killed.. exploding heads depending on caliber, full outo close range knock guy back like in JA2.. rotting corpses was great addition and the reactions of mercs to it was GOLD.. the crows eating the corpses was also epic cause you could shoot them and get Marksmanship poins for it.. epic πŸ˜„ Chopping off heads was good cause it had quest background and people reacted when you gave them head (pun intended) did I miss something? yeah burning people when hit with grenades... bodies getting thrown up and incenerated with explosions that was good.. they reacted to grenades knock back and stuff... if that isnt in the game it will be shame... and people laughing maniacaly or getting shocked from the special kills that was golden too... please devs let it be in the game... it would be so blunt if you hit a guy with grenade and he woud stay STOICly like a GOLEM there LOL... make grenades more diverse... not exploding doing big and low or NO damage if the enemy is wearing some protection.. destroing walls or something. Do you agree? πŸ™‚
  9. make sci fi mode and normal mode like in JA2 CREPITUS WAS EPIC ADDITION and that you had to kill them or they would go to surface that was epic too... Zombie mode would be harder to pull of but it could be done also... I would say make different monster than crepitus but not Zombie... maybe some wildlife attack... bears? IDK but the Hyenas hat are shown in the gameplay are weak TOOOO WEAK even I would say they are too CRINGE ... you should fear the animals and the enemies... like fucc make GANGS, WILDLIFE, ENEMIES, OTHER GANGS AND GROUPS, INCESTOUS FARMERS IDK... WHITE MEAT TRADERS... SLAVE TRADERS... MORE diverse enemies and then let us kill them lol πŸ˜„ Hillbilies in JA2 was epic cause you could give up your Woman mercs to them πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  10. BTW Interpol which is in game Intercept will be celebrating 100 years of existence in 7th September 2023... would be nice to have them there... πŸ˜„ seriously the easter eggs in JA2 for regular real life institutions were great... for example when the priest in JA2 mentions that Queen Deidrana had something to do with THE POPE... πŸ˜„ fucc you can even mention Queen Elizabeth to honor her death in the game πŸ˜„ she was alive back in 2001 or what is the game time πŸ˜„ mention some IRL events that happened in the time period πŸ˜„
  11. LIKE YEAH there was even mission for chopping off the heads of the criminals for money in JA2 and that was a great quest... very good for a payer to be interested to find the criminals and really chop off their heads. Searching the whole sector thoroughly... πŸ˜„ yeah choping of heads would be great with some quest... add Intercept organization and their headhunting bussines... πŸ˜„ CARMEEEENNN DANCIOOOOO -> get it? -> intercept? A bounty hunter employed by Intercept, on the hunt for targets in Arulco. According to Carmen, Arulco is a prime terrorist hideout, which is what has led him to the country.
  12. If there is no gore or fucced up stuff in story different kill animations exploding heads, dismemberment (idk).. fucced up reactions of mercs.. brutal psycho mercs, brutal psycho enemies. THEN I think the game will be LACKING in so much... people are not some inocent modern sheep... people like violence and gore to some extent.. just look at TV shows... the brutal ones are often good in rating and people remember them... moderate violence in JA3 is A MUST and harder more severe violence would be very good... like dont get me wrong I am not some psycho who likes only violence I am just saying people generaly want to see it in games TV everywhere... if JA3 is without violence gore and some fucced up story twist it is gonna flop so hard with the old school players... and who will be the main buyers of the game??? People who played JA1,2 and the old school players playing JA, Xcom and so on--- NO GORE/VIOLENCE = FAILED GAME. end of the story πŸ˜„
  13. For me the bugs were great... that horror scary aspect sci-fi action? I loved it and it was so hard to beat the bugs on hardest dif... I JUST LOVED IT! πŸ˜„ SECTORS SHOULD BE BIGGER MUCH BIGGER... these small X-COM sectors dont fit the JA games... you should not see every enemy instantly... you should have to find them camping somewhere in the building ready for you to open dors and smash you 1shot with shotgun.. I want the OPTION to turn percentages on/off ...I would want them ON cause I just like it not just circle and AP spended for me its not right...
  14. I think if you are gonna play the hardest dificulty like me.. THERE SHOULD really be such few ammunition that you will need to improvise, scavenge, make it yourself, safe, dont shoot like a mad man, plan every shot... THAT is my vision for the hardest dificulties and it shoul scale.. the harder the dificulty the fewer ammo there is... more enemies and many enemy battalions spawning and attacking regulary and infinetly until you cut of their road, capture their spawn base and so on... I KNOW I am a mad man and I need the hardest dificulty to be ALMOST impossible to win. I mean the darksouls level dificulty. πŸ˜„ but yeah for the begginers there should be easier... I am talking just about the hardest dif. πŸ˜„
  15. TRUUUE... I think MORE mercs are needed just because you will want to play with everyone eventualy and it will easily add more content to the game... I must sound like an idiot with this but I want more nationalities (Czech republic) πŸ˜‰ XD I would like the addition of weak mercenaries to the game for cheap prices... like Biff and Flo in JA2 it was fun having them there just for mundane tasks and for fun... or sometimes when you geared Flo and trained her and then give her USP pistol and shoot some elite enemy to death with 2 DMG shots x100 times LOL yeah cheap lame and weak mercenaries would be great addition. FLORENCE GABRIEL (FLO) was the best merc to have fun with because she was so weak.. πŸ˜„
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