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Stuurminator last won the day on June 12 2023

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  1. #2 is my favourite overall, which looks like a popular opinion. The others aren't awful, but they have little details I don't care for: #1 is my runners-up, but her expression doesn't look combat-ready; I'll probably use her for a future run where my IMP focuses on non-combat skills #3 is probably my least favourite, with neither a portrait nor model that appeals to me #4 is a great portrait, but the model could use some flair, or at least differently coloured highlight somewhere #5 is just too milquetoast to me, especially in combination with the whitebread voice #6 is actually pretty neat; I just need to find a character concept that fits it I think that's overly harsh. The IMP has to be generic to fit whatever concept the player has for it (and many players use it as a self-insert). Any personality the devs include could conflict with what the player had in mind. I think they erred a bit too far on the side of caution, compared to JA2's IMPs, but I don't think this decision was due to laziness or just not caring.
  2. But then where will I find love, money, and death spells in my area? 😮
  3. Melee is plenty fun when you've got one or two melee experts out of a diverse squad. Then it's one more tool in your arsenal. I imagine it would get pretty samey if you tried to field a squad using nothing but melee. That's probably true with any character build, though - the gameplay really benefits when everyone on your squad fights a different way.
  4. You're going to be waiting a while. These sorts of mods require extraordinary amounts of work. Why don't you work on it yourself instead of waiting for someone to do it for you?
  5. When you investigate the mass grave, the message questions your morality before giving you the option to confirm you want to raid it. Claustrophobes speak up when they enter an underground map, but only suffer morale penalty when combat begins. Not to mention that you can see they're claustrophobic at any time in their character screen. Do you want every morale effect to be preceded by a pop-up message saying "WARNING: THIS ACTION WILL CAUSE _______ TO SUFFER A MORALE PENALTY, CONTINUE?"
  6. Bug or not, I'm fine with the long-lasting morale effects (so long as they're not permanent). I like feeling the effects of my actions for a long time.
  7. I'm playing my first game fully mod-free, but on subsequent playthroughs I think I'll pick up these: Descriptive Ammo Icons, because I can never tell them apart Trap is Mechanical or Explosive, because I know the disable/disarm distinction but struggle to remember which is which Explain Morale Influences, since I enjoy seeing the fruits (and consequences) of my efforts laid out before me Longer IMP Names, so I can format my IMP's name like the base game characters probably a zoom mod so I can see my mercs up close and the whole map at once some IMP options to change things up, but we'll see which specific ones when the time comes since there's more coming out every day So mostly interface/quality-of-life type stuff.
  8. Wait, how did you manually enter turn-based in JA2? I never knew this was possible. All this time, I thought that was just a 1.13 feature.
  9. Are you sure your characters are actually hidden? By default, the shortcut to enter hidden mode is "H". Otherwise, your mercenaries are just moving about in plain view.
  10. It was a close race for me, but I eventually chose Hamous because it would be least unlikely that he'd turn up in Grand Chien. I'd have loved to stumble across him in the middle of nowhere next to the wreck of some vehicle that couldn't possibly have gotten there. Honourable mention to Madlab's Robot, which would be a fun change of pace but no longer has a niche in JA3 since you can create a mercenary that can tank entire firing lines anyway.
  11. You may want to ask your doctor to up the dose.
  12. I know I've seen Livewire gain some Wisdom just from detecting things. Meanwhile, my 85 Wisdom IMP hasn't increased at all, presumably because Livewire detects everything first. Interestingly, I've also seen Livewire gain Wisdom just from learning things, or so it seemed.
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