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  1. this is a very good feedback thread. i hope one of the developers has read it and circulated the main points amongst themselves. it's a shame there's no developer engagement on these forums.
  2. This looks great, glad to see the game was successful enough commercially to warrant this kind of roadmap. Is there any chance that the 1.2 update will unlock the ability for recoil to impact subsequent bullet trajectories for select fire modes (burst, full auto)? Even if it's just a flag for modders to enable/disable, those of us looking for a more simulationist approach to JA would appreciate it.
  3. @Bearson @chr_isso let me share a nice qol hack: https://community.jaggedalliance.com/ignore/?id=513
  4. We already have a functionally equivalent version of this with the mercs commenting on their confidence of a shot landing. I don’t know the increments that correspond to hit chance, like if it’s low/med/hi or more/less granularity, but it exists and is in the preview builds.
  5. weird, new illiterate aggressive guy who attacks everyone and is angry at lack of cth sounds just like old illiterate aggressive alt who attacked everyone and was banned, who sounded like original illiterate aggressive guy @anon474 weird
  6. Yeah it was an open question whether or not the mercs commented on their ability to hit a target, I wanted to circle back and confirm since I saw it on the stream
  7. I agree with the OP and some of the other observations here. From the combat dev stream the other day, around the the 35 minute mark, Boyan discussed what led them to the current burst/auto fire system. a recoil system was tested, wherein each bullet fired impacted the trajectory of the next this apparently resulted in "unpleasant gameplay effects", wherein there were too many kills this also resulted in a "cartoon" like effect where, when bursting against enemies at range (not sure if select fire or full auto), the enemy's outline would be 'painted' with bullet holes, and no bullets hitting their intended target As others have pointed out, the solution to eliminate recoil modeling and implement a boardgame-like -50% CTH/ -50% DMG to multi-shot attacks is a poor band aide to the issues identified. It's been said above, but the problem with the supposed optimal strategy being to run up to an enemy and burst-fire on them points to the need for enemy interrupts. If such a simple gameplay strategy was resulting in too many kills, that doesn't just mean that burst fire is "too strong", it can also mean that the underlying enemy spacing, map design, etc is not optimal. Finally, modeling recoil resulting in the cartoon-like situation described on the stream. Full auto fire should be inaccurate at medium to long range! Select fire burst should be less accurate the more shots that are fired. It is natural that auto and burst have niche uses in close range fighting, and are only viable at medium to long range by the most skilled and strong marksmen. Unfortunately I expect this is right. Based on the comments made by the community manager, wherein he thanked THQ Nordic for giving them time to implement the ballistics system, I expect the program manager(s) for JA3 sees no benefit in making this even more like JA2 / Silent Storm, and the devs are being pressured into making fast, easier mechanical decisions - at the expense of the tactical layer - to hurry through content production and ultimately release. Given the history of JA2 successors and the success of nuXcom, I'm honestly shocked we have ballistic simulation at all.
  8. Hey so I guess I’m your alt.

    Nice taste in movies btw!

    1. agris


      I’m a little hurt he thinks my English is broken, too. It’s my only language!

    2. Solaris_Wave


      Thanks for the comment. John Carpenter has made some great movies. A few of us were talking about his films in these forums just recently, coming up with fun ideas for JA3 DLC.

    3. agris


      I’ll check out the thread, I’m curious what Carpenter-inspired themes you think would fit JA. 

      Assault on Precinct 13 feels relevant.

  9. @Woody time zones are a thing. This may shock you, but when it’s 5 am one place, it can be the evening in another! Re: ballistic modeling, that’s what it’s called. The developers use the term, the strategy community that cares about the nuances between probabilistic vs simulation uses the term. I’m sorry to say it reveals more about your limited vocabulary that you find this suspicious, than it does some great conspiracy. Although I do appreciate a bit more @anon474‘s paranoia in calling me solar, the stuff about Carpenter and EFNY is funny. Im afraid rather than grand conspiracy, you’ve just found a demographic of men of a certain age, interested in a certain type of game.
  10. @Solaris_Wave another JC / EFNY fan? My brother in arms!
  11. We definitely have a few hostile crazies, not too unusual for the net. Unfortunately it probably means the nascent dialogue with the devs about mechanics is not going any further. Most sane people would see what transpired here and run the other direction 😅
  12. Got it. Yeah, one thing that's stuck out at me since I first started to see videos is the scale of combat encounters. They seem much smaller, more cramped, than the open maps of Arulco. I didn't catch the first part of the stream, did they talk about the fog thing? That's the strangest one for me, why reduce damage to enemies off screen?
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