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Povok last won the day on August 22 2023

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  1. Nah, i'd say it just needs adjusting and it would be much beter. For example: 1. Remove the option of them being wounded. Instead just have them retreat with less intel and info why they retreated. 2. Use cumulative value of more attributes to determine proficiency of a scout (hp + dex + agi + wis) or at least 2 (agi + wis). On this point I must add that including more attributes in the fomula to determine proficiency in other operations would also give more "balance" to the game. Examples of (not so) more complex fomulas: Repairing: (DEX + 2xMEC)/3, Training: (WIS + 2xLDR)/3, Crafting (WIS + DEX + 3xEXP)/5...
  2. 5 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 1 > . . . > 3
  3. This. It's quite annoying when I try to coordinate/synchronize/optimize activities/operations and then this rather lenghty process causes more wounds to my mercenaries than actual firefights. This is why I usually send scouting those mercenaries that have more of a supporting role and are usually staying back (if they are at all included) in firefights due to ther inefficiency/fragility.
  4. It's not to damage enemies, it's to get grazing shots and prevent your mercs to get full damage. ;-)
  5. Take out a couple of nearest enemies then use smoke/tear/mustard gas grenades to provide cover.
  6. Sometimes the origin of a problem is quite obvious...
  7. I think it's better to use FAMAS for spare parts rather than long range shooting.
  8. Nicely put. A patch every week for a TBS game? Ridiculous. Weekly info about what is going to be in the upcoming patch - even that is a maybe. Surely there are issues that need adressing and some features changed/added/removed to improve gameplay experience but far from needing an immediate patch to "fix" the game.
  9. I agree this perk should be nerfed at first opportunity. It should just stay with the extra intel for scouting/hacking and that's more than a good enough bonus. Especially if you consider she's a support merc and that fits perfectly to that role. Because of her combiantion of OP perk, stats and price, she's probably the first pick you should make in a squad assembly (of course disregarding the fact it's immersion-breaking and unrealistic to have real time vision of all enemies in the sector). Her only drawback is only the fact she can be "quite annoying". But we put up with Ira too and she was only moderately useful, not a character that drastically ease conflicts like no other...
  10. I noticed this happens (not always) when I try to quick load during a "cutscene" when I get detected and enemies are in the reposition phase.
  11. I'm missing that too. There's a lot of different types of ammunition but they are not recognizable when they load info weapons. Hopefully this is going to be in some future patch.
  12. 15.749.556.387 Bytes (seconds after install) Now I gotta go... I have some important bussiness to do.
  13. It does sound like good news to me. More action points means more flexibility and balance/variety when it comes to using different firearms and such.
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