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Everything posted by Scylla

  1. Back in the days I had never been able to complete Fallout 2 due to blocking bugs. Now we have all the patches and mods we need though, and 22 years after the release I reached the final cinematics. And WHAT A BLAST! It motivated me to write an extensive review: https://steamcommunity.com/id/stscylla/recommended/38410/ Have you played it? Any feedback is very welcome.
  2. If it's alright with the mod team, I'd like to introduce you to Turn-Based Tactics, the largest Steam group dedicated to turn-based gaming, since we've featured JA 3 in our latest weekly news: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tbtactics/announcements/detail/2963920750897680820 We review hundreds of games of the genre on our Steam Curation page and we maintain a public database of 1.400+ turn-based PC games, including the JA series. Yesterday's reveal was an excellent surprise and we look forward to learning more about the game and doing our part by spreading the word.
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