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Posts posted by Morcar

  1. The problems is that developers dont give really new or enough Infos/Updates. Jagged Alliance Fans earned a more detailed information, after 2 min Trailer 2021 and after almost 1 Year of waiting and then a 3 min Trailer.its not saying, if characters have voice Output in combat Screen and in general, Jagged Alliance without voice is no Jagged Alliance Game! Also a number how many mercs would be available in total approximately would be nice. And also if we can CREATE our own Merc like in JA2 was, whit the Quiz and so more^^. I hope the overmap at 02:29 doesnt show the complete map but only a part of it!

    Or if the Weapons get infinite Ammunition how in X-Com, they are not Ammo Clips magazines showed in the Second Trailer. Or Militias training. Also intermedia Sequences during the Game existing, how in JA 2 ?  Why the  Flashbang have 3 charges how in Back in Action for example, if the producers want take idol of original JA 1 & 2 ? They are too much questions open and unanswered...

    When will you go into the Players Questions, or when will we getting more informations ?


  2. On 12/21/2021 at 9:30 PM, Morcar said:

     As I always said, you should focus more on JA 1 and JA 2. That you can train militias, that hostile associations attack your sectors, etc. Voice chat with the soldiers is also part of this when you hire them or talk to them. You should also be able to modify weapons yourself, and be able to tinker items.Also that you can create your own merc like in JA 2 by your self. Would also be cool if weather influences would play a role snow / sun / rain / fog etc. And if they introduce new features that were not available in part 2. ^^ Of course it should also have a large map with cities / mines / military bases and other things. It would be great if the Map is greater then in JA 2. large pool of mercenaries to choose from, and / or another organization besides A.I.M. would also be nice ^^, minimum 60 Characters or more like in JA 1 & 2. The mercs MUST have personalitie and their ticks and character, Friendship/Hostility and so more. Because this is not X-Com where Soldiers are just nameless characters.

    And not the system of militia of JA Back in Action, you put them only a weapon in the hands and done. Also in JA BiA there was completly missing intermediate sequences, like in JA 2 between Deidranna & Elliot or what was his name ? ^^ Also good new feature would be if you can use vehicles Truck/Helicopter like in JA 2 for transporting your troops. 

    Also interrupt system must be intergrated like in the real predecessors. Nice would be if several types of enemies exist like Sniper/Medic/Storm Troopers and more, not only normal and elite enemy soldiers.

    Your mercs should also have moral, because if they have bad moral they will leave you. Also interacting whit NPC characters what you can trade/hire or giving side quests to you.

    Also i dont know if the half and full-cover mechanics are the right thing for JA 3. Because the predecessors was and are still awesome because they dont need that. Just search a cover in the environment wall/tree/rock or something else and hide behind it^^. same thing for perenctual hit chance is not necessary in JA, like X-Com where u have 99% to hit and then miss it o_0.

    Also the loot and scavenging/item managment system like in JA 2 should be integrate, and even a shop like Bobby Rays Gun Shop or something else...

    But we will just see in the future, because at the moment we have much to less infos about Jagged Alliance 3. Me personally i have great hope for it. despite of disaster games after JA 2, only Back in Action is like a OK game but even not a "good Game" :-(.



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  3.  As I always said, you should focus more on JA 1 and JA 2. That you can train militias, that hostile associations attack your sectors, etc. Voice chat with the soldiers is also part of this when you hire them or talk to them. You should also be able to modify weapons yourself, and be able to tinker items.Also that you can create your own merc like in JA 2 by your self. Would also be cool if weather influences would play a role snow / sun / rain / fog etc. And if they introduce new features that were not available in part 2. ^^ Of course it should also have a large map with cities / mines / military bases and other things. It would be great if the Map is greater then in JA 2. large pool of mercenaries to choose from, and / or another organization besides A.I.M. would also be nice ^^, minimum 60 Characters or more like in JA 1 & 2. The mercs MUST have personalitie and their ticks and character, Friendship/Hostility and so more. Because this is not X-Com where Soldiers are just nameless characters.

    And not the system of militia of JA Back in Action, you put them only a weapon in the hands and done. Also in JA BiA there was completly missing intermediate sequences, like in JA 2 between Deidranna & Elliot or what was his name ? ^^ Also good new feature would be if you can use vehicles Truck/Helicopter like in JA 2 for transporting your troops. 

    Also interrupt system must be intergrated like in the real predecessors. Nice would be if several types of enemies exist like Sniper/Medic/Storm Troopers and more, not only normal and elite enemy soldiers.

    Your mercs should also have moral, because if they have bad moral they will leave you. Also interacting whit NPC characters what you can trade/hire or giving side quests to you.

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