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Posts posted by Hunter

  1. Buns and Len I mostly put on off-grid militia training duty rather quickly, while Thor and Raven are almost always on my A-Team. I take Raider only bec. of Raven (and the fact they wear SWAT-gear in 1.13) and came to like Stephen, even though I always make my IMP merc the leader during the game. Strange enough, despite his good stats and multiple tries, I never warmed up to Barry.


    Usually I look at hiring price and wisdom to choose which merc I take along, but a nice portrait helps, too 🙂

    It's nice to know I can adapt enough mercs from the list well to my play style and needs and high wisdom helps with that; not that going with smart mercs is a bad choice for any reason. Only problem with that to me is that good generalists among my team tend to blend with the background more than those who stand out as individuals. I also tend to spend a lot of game time training my mercs to certain thresholds I like them to have (i.e. Medical skill of 35 - in my mind a basic paramedic). I remember playing a stealthy duo with Ira was a lot of fun. I actually like her exposition statements when your group enters a new town or POI.

    I also tend to hire the more promising, but badly trained M.E.R.C.s like Flo and Gumpy simply to, well, prepare them for the real world -by training them to somewhat decent non-combat units while repairing stuff, training militia.


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