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Posts posted by HellAManOP

  1. ... actually fascinating, like every other topic when you decide to educate yourself on and it turns out to be deep. 

    Back to topic, I think lots of people have an idea how vastly different some African cultures and environments are from each other and they would welcome another chapter somewhere in Africa. Those who don't think it would be much different may even find something new they can learn - as they did in the base game. 

  2. Hi, I created a new version of the file Music.hpk where I took the uncompressed files from the official soundtrack and recoded them using the  highest possible bitrate and clearest algorithm before renaming every track to what was expected in the package. The .hpk itself remains uncompressed - as was the original. I'm an audophile at least when it comes to live recorded music and personally had issues with the poor quality of the base game music. The sound files have the same poor base quality, but they somehow trigger my 90s gamer brain so it's ok... also I can't get the uncompressed version of those audio files... or can I ? ;-)

    I asked on today's stream whether I may release this as a mod - Lyubo kindly redirected me to this forum. So, may I release this as a mod?

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