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Posts posted by Snowy

  1. On 8/8/2022 at 5:01 AM, Biff said:

    I'm in England, the land where most people never see a real gun.

    Here you can't even have pepper spray or a taser, they're considered illegal firearms. Even carrying simple tools or sports equipment like a hammer or baseball bat can get you into trouble if you don't have a good reason for it. You can't carry any knife bigger than 3 inches and it must be non-locking...so pretty much only Swiss Army knives allowed, and even then most people see it as a bit weird to carry one.

    I think pocket sand is still legal here...


    So... enjoy your guns while you can and be glad you don't live here 😛

    Well, I'm in Australia and we have reasonably strict gun laws. Still the mass shooting (3 killed, 1 injured) in Bogie (yes I know) Queensland just a few days ago still shocks us.

    The shooter was denied a gun 10 years ago but appealed and had his gun ban overturned in the courts... it's inconsequential but interesting nonetheless.

    There are also a flood (a trickle, I suspect, compared to the US) of illegal firearms, but it remains in the domain of gang wars and retributions. The large majority of farm gun owners are law abiding citizens.

    Still, you don't need an AR-15 to shoot foxes or rabbits. Then again we don't have bears/wolves, etc. (the snakes and spiders kill you first)

    Anyway, maybe this illegal gun culture thing is an American thing - but it would seem like most mass shootings are done with legal firearms (as in the case in Bogie), so I'm not sure if it's a real strong argument.

    Yeah illegal guns are a problem (there was one case where an innocent person got killed by a stray bullet years ago), but I can only go by my experience here. Even with guns, legal and illegal, tougher gun laws do seem to reduce mass shootings of innocent people.

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