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Posts posted by ischwarze

  1. In the Steinwallen "Angespielt" video, viewers noticed the following issue with the Pierre quest on Ernie Island, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV10nkx0S18 :

    1. When Pierre is finally captured in Bluewater Fort, the decision dialogue offers two options:
    a) Execute him (which is a crime - murder - both according to the law of almost any country, and also according to the Geneva Convention III)
    b) Let him go (which is also a crime according to the laws of most countries; when you have arrested a terrorist, you cannot just let him go)
    I do not deny that some mercs might be crazy enough to do such things, so it's fine that such options are offered.
    But the logical thing to do here it to take him captive and bring him back to his native village, Ernie, because:
    a) He was disarmed and surrounded by multiple armed opponents, so he cannot resist.
    b) No other opponent remained in the area who could intervene.
    c) Ernie already has a militia who can imprison him and watch over him until order is sufficiently restored to bring him to court.
    d) This is not a history game (like, antique, medieval, or early modern setting) where summary killings of prisoners might have been more usual.
    e) The devs say in the 1st dev diary that they aim for a somewhat realistic game (not in every detail, but regarding major aspects, and i do think the first major quest in the game is a major aspect, somewhat setting the tone for the game).  They also say they want an "old action movie feeling", which may be slightly at odds with "realistic" ;-), but even in old actions movies, capturing an enemy boss is certainly not unheard of.

    2. During the fight, *two* grenades exploded right next to Pierre, bringing him below 0 HP by a very large margin, and yet, when all his buddies had been killed, he engaged in pleasant smalltalk regarding his plans for the future and would have happily walked away if Steinwallen hadn't executed him.  Some viewers commented "Kollateralschäden müssen sein!" (= "collateral damage ought to be real damage", i.e. it ought to actually kill Pierre).

    3. When Steinwallen decided to execute Pierre, a hilariouly violent splatter ensued, reducing the body to a dozen parts, scattering them across many square meters.  Not even a lunatic merc would execute a prisoner in such a way.  Some viewers speculated it might have been delayed action from the two grenades that exploded earlier during the fight.  If that is indeed true, the simulation is certainly less than ideal.  =:cO

    If both item 1 *and* item 2 are fixed, gameplay may become even more interesting: in order to arrest Pierre, you would have to make sure to not accidentally kill him.  A special mechanics that he can no longer move or attack when his HPs fall below a certain limit (e.g. half) would not be unusual in games of this kind and not too hard to implement.  Apparently, an attribute "no longer able to move" is already implemented right now.

    If any of the members of you dev team happens to understand German, having a brief look through the viewer comments may be worthwhile, several viewers comment regarding various aspects of the beta gameplay.  The first video in this series of four is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_bJUUPxPNc


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