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  1. I wouldn't have argued except you said it wasn't not having the right friends and then the very next sentence you say your tired of listening to loudmouth morons in MP games. These two statements are telling two different stories. I hardly ever play MP FPS games anymore and the ones I do play I have 2 different other gamers I game with and we play in 2 man Squads together and don't allow others. But usually we play co-op survival games, crafting games, rpgs, etc. Our most played recent game is satisfactory. We would often play for hours and some nights rarely talk much we were so involved in whatever build project we were working on. Our main interaction would be "wait till you see this!" Or "come take a look at how I built this fluid piping setup and see if you can figure out where I screwed up". The wife and I will often play digital boardgames together and she loves crafting and survival games that are not FPS (she gets sick in FPS games). I'm an older gamer as well (46) and disabled so often lack the energy for as long gaming marathons as I used to play. I still love a solid 100hr+ single player experience, but there are so many games that would just be barren and empty without someone to share the discoveries with in Coop (valheim, V Rising, don't starve together, terraria, etc etc). It's tough to find another gamer that's on the same page as you *and* has the same timeslots, interests, etc. But if you can find someone like that don't miss the chance to make the friend a play a bunch of co-op. The person I play with the most I randomly met on the torture simulator known as Escape from Tarkov, and yet we hardly ever play anything so soul crushing anymore. (If I'm not being clear with tarkov I'll just say it outright. It's evil in digital form. If you have always thought it would be fun to be kidnapped and locked in a dungeon by a serial killer you might enjoy the game).
  2. I'm not sure I follow your statement here. What am not ruling out and what am I not betting on? The way you've answered it your saying I shouldn't rule out your company going bust and co-op servers disappearing which doesn't seem like something a developer would usually say. Are you saying "don't rule out players getting the dedicated server code?" Because that makes way more sense (even if it is highly unlikely since I can only think of a handful of game companies that have ever done that, ever, at all).
  3. This has me moderately concerned. Will you be releasing the dedicated server software? If we have to rely on the publisher/developers to keep co-op servers available then eventually at some point they will get shut off and the co-op feature will go away with it! Being able to self host is a requirement for a games longevity. Its why you can still find servers for battlefield 1 and 2 and other old games while some newer games have just died when the company killed the official servers.
  4. Some of my best JA memories was playing MP with my uncle and setting up hilarious scenarios like a fully outfitted Mike versus an entire squad of newbies. (The trick was to use stun grenades on him until he goes down and stand around him and endlessly dump bullets into him on the ground). I'm super excited about Coop in JA3. A friend and myself already have our calendars marked for starting a play through on day one. With the right friends co-op makes nearly every game *better*. Devs are including coop in more games now because there is a lot of demand for the feature. I'm sorry you don't have the right friends to make coop fun for you but it really is a blast with the right people. But it really needs to be the *right* people. If you don't have playstyles that work well together it will kill the fun.
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