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Everything posted by MiserablePixels

  1. If its a question of balance, as stated, then the difficulty scalability should be more than capable of offsetting that imbalance.. and we could simply play with the knowledge that things may be marginally 'easier' - that is, if the team doesn't want to implement some sort of scaling difficulty based on party size.
  2. So we shouldn't expect an official update on the inclusion of additional IMPs or expanded co-op player capacity? Or is that still an option? I don't see how offering that ability would negatively impact the game and yet it would make it MORE marketable and valuable to the demographic that want the capability to play 1-4P co-op, each with their own custom mercs.
  3. PLEASE attempt to do it, then. My group is 3 players and we were all expecting/hoping for an IMP each and a 3P+ campaign. That was literally the basis for our group purchase.
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