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Divine Moleman

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  1. all I can say is do not worry about that stuff, because if you just make sure to not waste too much time in the beginning and get a mine you will have tons of money very quickly. I would like to see some rebalancing and mods that affect that aspect actually. In JA2 i was constantly on edge, feeling like I had 5 different important things to do, and only enough time and workforce to do one of them. In this game I can relax and explore. This is not really a bad thing (I don't automatically assume more difficult = better) but it's been tough to adapt as a JA2 vet.
  2. What games have you noticed this sort of stuff happening with? Also what percentage of the reviews like this do you consider to be suspicious, since there are some people who might play for a few days, leave a positive review and then get sidetracked by their life or another game without anything sinister going on. I feel like it would have to be a fairly large percentage to even begin to prove your point, but hey I'm open to it. I don't mean to give you "work" but you sound you are talking out of your ass and have basically said you don't have any solid proof, so I'm interested in your fuzzy proof. Anyway I like the game and I talk with people who are also liking it, so it getting good reviews is not suspicious to me.
  3. you got any info/evidence that they influenced reviewers with some sort of bribe or are you just talking out your ass?
  4. I had a lot of combat where I had sneaking mercs and sniping mercs and didn't see this happen at all. It seemed more like the enemies were focusing on flanking and I was able to keep my stealthy mercs hidden and the enemies did nothing suspicious. I'm sure that what you guys are talking is real and should be fixed, but whatever system they have does work in some cases.
  5. If he's in your party when you meet Headshot Hue you will get a very, very funny exchange. The funniest part of it is that it's not even mean spirited, just MD being completely out of his element as usual.
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