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Aiming mode as in ja2


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The Game should definitely have a ballistic calculation or a trajectory calculation. Meaning that if a bullet travels from A to B and there is a car in between, then the car should influence the bullet. In Firaxis XCom this was not the case and it was all about "low Cover" "high cover" and the angle towards the cover.

Now whether you can add in additional points for aiming - that would be nice to have but not a must-have. trailer already shows that you can aim at different body parts. I hope that due to a proper trjectory calculation you wont be able to hit he left leg, if there is actually a big boulder infront of that left leg.

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I chcked the trailer again and it looks like there are good news. You seem to be ablt to spend additional point, as you got one button to "aim". Furthermore there are indications that there is also a somewhat realistic ballistic calculation.

Check when fidel runs towards the enemy. You can see that at his new location he only has a very low hitting chance. But the enemy is not far away and not without cover. That can only mean that due to the boulders infront of fidel it is impossible to hit the full torso (or legs) and therefore you need to aim for the rest of the torso or are even limited to the head, which therefore comes with a low hit chance.

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I think the new perspective is nice. It helps you understand why a low percentage would be low from the soldier's point of view. Also the close up would really give them a reason to draw weapons in scale and detail. Xcom's chunky weapons and elements were terrible. If we want realistic weapons with pixel-wide barrels (when zoomed out), they would have to come into focus at some point (while aiming), otherwise they wouldn't bother much with them.

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