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Posts posted by Grim

  1. Thanks for the nive dev diary. A few questions :
    - What happens exactly when a shot misses?
    - How do shotgun buckshots work?
    - How does autofire/burst affect accuracy? A flat accuracy penalty for each bullet? Each bullet after the first has increased penalty?
    - Why do burst/auto have a -50% damage? Balance reasons?

    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    The I.M.P. system in JA2 was great and I likewise made the custom character the main mercenary and field commander. Maybe I was the guy that was accessing the computer, contacting and hiring mercs and then getting the equipment shipped to the airports, but my custom merc was still a main character.

    I don't understand the comments about the custom merc being boring. They integrated perfectly with the other mercs and had their own portraits and speech, so they never felt like they were tacked on or only half of what the other mercs were.

    I don't know if your custom merc must have a nationality. Is it truly that important? It didn't really matter to me. You could reserve that for your own imagination, or maybe you can be allowed to edit some of the bio that isn't shaped by the I.M.P. creator itself during the personality test.


    I.M.P. was the avatar of the player, or a way to add a custom merc allowing variation and replayability.
    Nationality can be added, but it leads to several design problems as other mentionned. I was fine without it, as I imagined the background myself. It's a sandbox.

    • Like 1
  3. Toggleable options are good in my book, yes!
    From what I've watched, Heamimont already has implemented some.
    One thing I learned from 1.13, gazillions of options are good for those who know what they want and are told where to get them, but
    1) You have to make them clear, accessible
    2) You have to make a base game/mode working on its own, with balance. 
    In 1.13, as example, the ennemy counterattacks were on by default (at least for some time), and ruined the balance of the game. The player had to face huge counterattacks as soon as he conquered a sector. It was unplayable without cheesing or savescumming.

    • Like 3
  4. 10 hours ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    Thanks for posting that. It is a surprisingly good list. I'm sure there is a perk that lets one of the mercs use two grenades at once, after seeing it in a video (unless that wasn't a perk). Also, I think @Kordanor mentioned about the improved knife throwing when drunk.

    One perk I am definitely not sure about is Trick Shot. While it is a good perk, it sounds as if none of those effects are achievable without the perk. Does that mean that without the perk, any shot to the arms and legs is just standard damage?

    The two grenades throw is Fidel's unique skill.
    There is no improved knife throwing while drunk, you must mistake with Igor's unique ability that improves MELEE damage while drunk, gives grit, but reduces ranged accuracy.
    Trick shot : those effects are improvements from the normal effects, AFAIK

  5. Lunokhod, is it your second account?

    If this is what a JA fan sounds like, I don't want to be part of it. And no, we're not an army, just a handful of old guys.



    General inventory, seriously?! I.e. if one team member is 50 meters away, he will be able to use a grenade launcher from the slots of another team member?! In any case, it looks stupid

    You can reload from the team inventory, yes, but not take from another merc's inventory far away, no (AFAIK).


    Destructibility. She was shown in the first trailer just the same, so maybe she will come back. Probably, the system has not been finalized and it was temporarily cut out. I hope. Otherwise...

    Destructability is in.

    Hand to hand is in. Cold weapons are useful but you have to expose a lot. IMHO they are more usable than in JA2, where it was nearly impossible to do anything without dying or savescumming.

    Well, you have your perfect game with JA2 1.13 + AI, go for it. Don't expect a new game to transfer all features from that, or it would be... JA2 1.13 + AI, and nothing else. A new game has to change things to work. Some changes can be wrong, yes, but there has to be some anyway. And as much as I love JA2 +1.13, it suits a minority of the possible audience, it would be a nonsense for a company to do that. They can get some inspiration be some of its features, not remake the whole thing indentical.

    • Like 7
  6. Very well writen. I agree with you, especially about the writing. Some lines are way over the top, cringe, even. But the problems are deeper, you pointed at them brilliantly.

    Sadly, I guess it's too late to change all that, voice lines are almost dubbed, game mechanics are established, and the models are probably too.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    I wonder how sector exploration will work regarding mines and booby traps? Will everything lootable be detected but traps remain undetected until you spot them (or trigger them)?

    From what I've seen, some areas with mines will be marked as minefield, but booby traps and individual mines will not be on the overview info.

  8. You need to have intel on a sector for this kind of hint to appear. Intel can be gathered by different means, scout operation on close sector (sat view), hacking electronic device, and maybe a few other.
    It's a feature that require a little abstraction from the player, or suspension of disbelief. You got infos or hints about the sector, and they materialize in this overview.

  9. Good points.
    However, bringing him back to Ernie might not end as you think.
    He is/was in the Legion, he commited crimes people won't forget as easiliy. There will be retaliation.
    His father lives in Ernie, he asks you to spare him somehow, yet he knows Pierre cannot come back home just like that.
    I didn't watch that stream, but in another I could see another quest about a villager that rose up agaisnt the legion and was shot. Someone is a snitch. The village wants to kill him outright, just the snitch... What do you think they would do about a Legion chief?

  10. 1. There is an overview, a zommed out topdown view you can activate anytime. Not really a minimap but does the job.

    2. Not ultra fan of the current system but I don't see any other system not ending in a headache actually. This one is simple, functionnal, easy to handle. In JA2 there were only the toolboxes and tons of attachments, it was not ideal.

  11. I saw two different places similar to that panel. One in squad management (sat view), and one in A.I.M. Evaluation (site). Not all streamers went there though.

    However, they should have made a specific folder or site for that. It shouldn't be on A.I.M., as you can have RPCs out of AIM, and this info should be personnal.

  12. 44 minutes ago, LoboNocturno said:

    OMG it looks very amazing how you animated Gus !!!❤️

    They should be seriously hiring you.

    You can do the same in 1 minute with several online AI apps. I posted on another topic a quick test with D-ID as example.

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, WILDFIRE said:

    - Enemies do not notice mercs close by (line of sight does not work)

    There might be some confusion here. From what I've seen in the streams, there is a tutorial in the first island about sneaking, and later you can see how it works while playing. There is no "line of sight", but a circular area of "awareness" for each enemy. If a mercs comes close, his sneaking stats mitigate more or less the time to discover. There is a circle at the base of each merc, going from white to full red if discovered. It's very very similar to sneaking in Wasteland 2? 3? game. For playability purpose, the awareness area of each ennemy has to be small, so you can move around, prepare ambushes and even sneak kill with a melee weapon given you have good sneak skills and agi. Sometimes, it can look dumb, like on this stream/picture.


    - Enemies need voices

    In the streams I watched, the ennemies sometimes talk and react to the mercs' presence. Not everything is dubbed yet though. This should be done in the final product.



    - Mercs should peek around corners before shooting

     Hmm, I'm pretty sure when setting overwatch they peek out when the angle isn't clear enough. Not sure for regular shots but then it's up to you to make them stand, step out of the cover and hide again. I thought people wanted JA and all its picky details, and not XCOM around here, hmm? 😉



    - Mercs should need sleep and not just rest in a bar

    AFAIK, the bar is a special operation that speeds up the rest and gives a special status (+4AP?). Resting in JA3 seems less dictatorial than in JA2, when mercs are not assigned to operations, they simply rest. Their eyes don't close (portraits are not animated), but it's like working 3x8, during their rest time, they do what suits them and recover from fatigue (that is now a status and not a depleted stamina pool).


    - Bleeding system needs a rework

    This is a bit vague. Bleeding currently seems to be triggered in specific situations, depending on ammo type, perks, body part targeted. How should it be reworked? I guess it's possible but it would break many designs in place.

    I agree with you an the other points. 👍

  14. It is just a very quick test made in a minute, and yet it looks and sounds very good.
    With D-ID, you can input a portrait, text to be voiced, or even an existing audio. It will make a video of it, as you can see in my example. It isn't even heavy (approx. 500ko).

    I don't know if it can be done for JA3, either by the dev team or by modding, but this kind of technology offers great possibilities for the future of gaming. I got interested in this firt for tabletop RPG. With tools like midjourney or this you can put images, voices, and more (thing ai dungeon or chatgpt to find ideas) on your imagined world. This is impressive.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Hendrix said:

    Maybe the Legion enemies I saw were just "yellowshirt level" but they did not look like soldiers at all just thugs. I hope this is true and the "red shirts" on the mainland looks like they belong in an actual army. I mean in JA2 the yellow shirts were pushovers. The red shirts would indeed give you a hard time if you wasn't careful and the black shirts were scary because you knew they would put you in a really difficult situation if given the slightest chance.

    My understanding is, legion guys are actually thugs the major gave weapons and basic training. They are not professionnal troops. Maybe there are real soldiers further into the land.

  16. 1 hour ago, Bloodcat said:

    I think the world design looks great. Also the rpg part sounds good. I think

    What can we expect with "Travel on the satellite map"? From my understanding there is no helicopter or car, so does this work like in JA2, where you need a couple of hours to moove between the maps and can also run into ambushes, etc?

    They talked about boat travels, and yes we saw in some trailers squads moving from sector to sector and taking time to do so.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Reloecc said:

    Based on statement "This is not scripted, it’s a coincidence", big question: So quests are somehow randomized?

    I guess he was talking about the convoy passing by, not the quest.
    Maybe quests have some randomisation though. In JA2 there was some for small quests, like the hidden outlaws, some stashes locations and such.

    • Like 1
  18. I'm pretty sure we will be able to (mod) change the portraits of the mercs in the final game. If some of you have any drawing talent, let's propose some portraits that would fit your tastes more.
    And then, let's discover how half of the forum members will dislike it because of a detail or another.

    Mr Ian Currie was the game director of JA2, and only responsible for some of the writing in JA3.

    • Like 1
  19. Dev streams are planned, and in the last one, the host said he will be playing the game live in one of the next streams.
    IMHO, it's a bit early to judge the game's tone. Ok, several merc and NPCs portrait look colorful. It doesn't mean the game is childish. Let's see the quests and the world first.

  20. To OP : "ELLIOT, YOU IDIOT!!!" *Slap* *slap*

    Ok, now that's said and done, let's deal with the subject.
    It's hard to define the biggest mistake of JA3 before playing it.
    Yet, from what we've seen, we can have some doubt about a feature or another.
    One of them could be the lack of portrait animations. That will be my pick right now not even knowing if it will be implemented later.

    • Like 1
  21. They said mercs will tell you when they don't expect to make a shot, or on contrary when they are sure to make it.
    The player will guess and learn. CTH will not be on screen but in head, one action after the other, statistics will be integrated in his tactical thinking.
    And don't forget the player will have several indicators for the paramaters of the shot. Range to target vs range of the weapon, number of aims, weapon boni/mali, body parts visible, weather conditions, etc.

    IMHO it's much better than a crude CTH.

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