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Everything posted by rorshok

  1. Combat can be really fun, despite the worst thing imo being the AI. Most maps you can just hide and snipe one, then snipe the others as they take turns running toward me to see what's going on. I also tried to be clever and flank behind them with Barry, but as soon as combat started, they all bee-lined right to hidden Barry even though my revealed mercs were on the other side. Shaped charge took out all 5 of them though, so I forgave the cheating AI 😄. Overall great game though - hoping mods will keep making it better.
  2. There are so few good mechanic options that I think it's actually a good stat to invest IMP into at the beginning. You can use free mercs like Larry and cheap mercs to train your IMP in areas where you leave points out that aren't as important like Strength, Medic, Explosives, even Health. Livewire is fine early on but she levels up quickly and becomes too expensive to keep in the squad - you'll be paying a premium price for her mechanical skill when you could be hiring much cheaper mercs like Blood or Ice that are much better in combat. Keep in mind that training up mercs is going to eventually raise their fee, and it can get pretty high.
  3. Im really surprised no one is complaining about the missing gun store. I don't mind a challenge but the lack of ammo, infinite enemy ammo, and inability to buy ammo is just completely unrealistic. I'm still enjoying the game but this design decision kind of forces you to just make a team of snipers and limits strategy.
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