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  1. I also hope that JA3 is enough of a financial success to warrant DLC and that, ya know farther in the future, the next sequel (that doesn't take 25 years to get to market). Relying on the mod community is a weak strategy for that though if I were a numbers guy. Therefore, the OG devs really should make the best game up until it is done. They have a good game now. I am enjoying it but have some thoughts about what it is now before it's great. But what I came to say is that I hope the DLC adds to the maps. Not that we need a bigger game world in and of itself. But, after you get tired of one place a new place, fresh, is well, refreshing. So running thru the same maps with a new weapon doesn't really hype me for that sort of expansion/DLC. New surroundings and features would.
  2. Online store in game Pause abilities Mini-map And listen to those saying head shot and sneak attack damage should increase. Yeah 3 bursts to the hat rack really should do the trick ya know!
  3. I once said in the twitch streams I believe it was that ordering weapons, ammo, meds, tools and armor from JA2 online store predates my amazon prime obsession and it's just funny how true that is. You can imagine my monumental disappointment with the developers current in game vendor choices in JA3- as much as I have enjoyed, and been frustrated, playing a good JA game. The number of times I have heard "that is how it was in JA2" so don't complain about it means I feel turnabout is fair here. Crafting, IMHO, is a really nice addition, bonus as it were, but not a replacement for the online shop or the woefully inadequate have to pay a bunch of pricey mercs to travel to the (IMHO) fleatown market half baked solution. The cost of lost opportunity to have to ship a whole squad of mercs (to make use of inventory slots) to shop across a map is maybe defeating. Great general said something once about logistics being what wins and all that!
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