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Posts posted by DonBilbo

  1. 4 hours ago, Image Miroir said:

    It would worth a deep analysis, but I think countries who had no medieval history, who had no aristocratic structure do have a different relationship with guns.

    It means young countries/societies (I'd say with less than 300 or 400 years of existence) are used to have more access to weapons, especially firearms. It's logical as medieval rulers were used to provide weapons before the war and to recover them just after. This was to avoid commoners to revolt and overthrow nobility.

    Even if medieval system disappeared, this system lasted for over a thousand years and structured the part of the vision of civilians concerning firearms.

    The USA had very few border feuds and they had to face a large wild territory with a relatively weak central rulership. This helped to widespread the possession of firearms. In addition the powerful gun factories/companies promoted gun ownership. At the end, almost everyone in the USA has a gun, while almost no one in Europe has one.

    That’s a very interesting view on the matter. Thank you for that. 

  2. My comment was an answer on what Potok wrote:

    3 hours ago, Povok said:

    It seems quite a weird question to ask if 18+ content is going to be in-game...

    Considering the fact he game is all about using guns and killing people (also given an option to massacre entire village), in the meantime using drugs to recover...


    It's definitely NOT a game for kids. So... Yes, I see no problem also seeing an exposed boob on a poster in a mechanical garage...

    I have nothing against guns. Especially not in video games. I don't want to start a discussion about it here, because it's pointless anyway.


    27 minutes ago, Elite77 said:

     Also America was created with the benefit of private firearms.

    And that's a good thing because...?

  3. I see your point. This could (maybe even should) be changed for balancing reasons later on. But basically, I don't think these options are generally bad or that it dumbs it down right away. Ultimately, you have more tactical options in combat to choose from in stead. Of course, the AP costs should be balanced. I see it more like an addition not like that it was changed how combat generally works.

  4. 1 hour ago, Povok said:

    I'd say this is something that's almost definitely on the to-do list.

    Also that written alert might be just something that wasn't removed yet, because it was implemented like this for testing purposes before animations were available. I do agree these issues must be pointed out as it is an easy overlook but also an easy enough fix.

    I hope that’s true and it gets fixed. This is an atmosphere killer. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Elite77 said:

    In fact, comparing JA3 to XCOM was a persistent trend on many Russian communities. And you can see how. Very like, arcade type of movement animations that are very "action" based, lots of unrealistic mechanics like grit.

    Why do the extended motion animations (when moving the merc from point A to point B) make the game arcadey? I think it just adds to the atmosphere.

    What is meant by grit mechanic?

    1 hour ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    The impression I did get though was that there was more scrutiny than most English speaking video streamers.

    XCOM is the benchmark for all current turn-based squad games these days. Just like X-COM (the original) or UFO was the benchmark for any such game from the 1990s. As much as I love the original trilogy but not the reboot, I would rather JA3 kept as far away from any XCOM as much as possible. I like modern day-era games to be as serious as possible.

    I just watched 1 English preview stream so I can't really compare that to the German ones. I watched like 4 different German streamers a video preview by GameStar (Martin Deppe) and read one extended written German preview (by Jörg Langer a veteran gaming journalist). Here is a translated version of that: https://www.gamingdeputy.com/jagged-alliance-3-preview-p-1/

    One streamer (AldemarHD) also commented that he is wondering about the XCOM comparisons, as especially the action point system is a very distinct difference between the two and allows for much more tactical flexibility.

  6. I thought it might be helpful for the developers as feedback to create a list of points that were mentioned by German streamers and magazine previews as needing improvement. However, I would like to focus only on points that can probably still be adjusted until the release and which are only improvements of already implemented mechanics and do not represent innovations / changes (story and humor, for example, was also mentioned by one, but is firstly unrealistic to change until the release and also a very subjective point. Most liked the humor and story.). I did not keep a tally while watching the streams, because the idea came to me later, so no claim to completeness. So feel free to name your own points that fit.


    1. pause mode can be activated manually, to have more control over the start of the fight, especially when trying to perform stealth attacks. Possibly this is also intended by the developers to create more stress, chaos and tension at the beginning of the fight. However, this point was mentioned by almost everyone and some even desperately searched for the corresponding key in the keyboard menu. This should be very easy to implement.


    2. No inventory sorting functionality like type, object class. Already after a few hours of collecting stuff it becomes a tedious task to change equipment of the mercs


    3. Sometimes the mercs cover blocks the bullets even though the hit marker for head/body did not show the wall/obstructed symbol. Also depending on aiming angle there was a situation in the bunker where one merc didn't lean out of cover but always shot the pillar (even though target system tells the player he can hit the enemy) while other mercs did lean out to shoot.


    4. Job trainers cannot be changed or added with more trainers after a job has been started to speed it up, e.g. the best leader was still at the doctor's office when starting to train the militia, but is now urgently needed to support the training of the militia. You can now only cancel or have to wait the job is finished.


    5. often illogical starting positions at the beginning of the fight. You have yet to guide the mercenaries to logical defensive positions. Trained militia roam solo. Position specification for these would also be desirable or commands such as stay together should be given. Enemies like to stand in a crowd directly in front of the player's entry position on a map.


    Additional point: Enemy AI only seems intelligent on first glance, they seek cover when wounded etc. But they seem to lack strategic overview as they don’t work as a team just as single individuals without memory. So you can pile up bodies at door entrances e.g.

    Since I don't know how the AI is implemented and whether it is easy or difficult to make adjustments, I wanted to mention this point anyway. It could also be further optimized after the release.


    I just wanted to add that the overall feedback from the German community was very positive.

    • Like 2
  7. I think that would be really cool as the AI has the ability to adapt to your playstyle so that you still might have a chance. Like a classic DM. I don’t mean you should always win if you play like a moron, but at least it could help create some memorable close call encounters that you barely survived. 

  8. On 5/4/2023 at 7:18 AM, Solaris_Wave said:

    It would actually remind me of a MicroProse game on the Commodore Amiga, called Special Forces. If your commando(s) got captured, you could rescue them in an optional side mission.

    Funny there is someone else knowing this game. I still have Fond and vivid memories of playing it as a kid on my Atari ST. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, Xeth Nyrrow said:

    I remember seeing someone this but it makes more sense they did it for balancing reasons. Unfortunately it makes half the reason to aim at a torso pointless.

    I found that strange as well when reading it. But I also I remember that one of the leading  devs said they will consider changing that. So there’s hope. 

  10. On 5/4/2023 at 7:29 PM, Xeth Nyrrow said:

    Also mentioned is that they are open to changes/balancing after the game launches. I think the bigger issue is that the game allows you to be able to run up to enemies so easily to be able to use burst/auto in the first place. Maybe they need better overwatch mechanics to fix this.

    This. Or running is too strong. Sounds weird but just imagine how often you can pull the trigger or run 10 meters. I get that you need your mercs to be able to change position during one turn and not just do 2 or 3 steps, but it would be more realistic. Seems like a realistic depiction is not always the most enjoyable way to play a game and then the balancing starts. I can totally understand that it’s not easy, but hope they find a solution for this (or a good idea from the community). The problem with the current solution might be that it renders burst/Auto almost useless. Is the hit chance better for 3 bullets than only with 1 aimed bullet or is the hit or miss calculation the same?

  11. Some characters look a little bit over the top, but some are quite ok like Fauda or Grizzly. The JA2 portraits weren’t realistic either imo, grittier but had a certain artistic style also. Maybe they can tone down the colors or clothing choices a little on some mercs (but still keep individuality) and it would already be better. 

  12. 6 mercs for 42000 $. 6x marksmanship 85, 1x explosives 85, 1x mechanical 85, 1x medical 85. all money earned afterwards going into the best equipment money can buy (as soon as available). This is a game breaking power fantasy. And you miss out on all the unique characters. Could be fun on the second run possibly. More an idea for a mod imo. 

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