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  1. The financial issues likely played a part. I am taking a break to allow modders to do their thing. I may even wait until the next patch.
  2. I have read the notes, they don't clarify a great deal. As far as your attitude, being both useless and smarmy, you must feel good about yourself. I am familiar with challenges and effort since my becoming a quadriplegic 35 years ago. Have a good day.
  3. Knowing which QOL mods are no longer required would help. I have yet to see such information.
  4. I wouldn't have needed so many QOL mods if it wasn't 'bugged as hell'. The devs were either lazy or rushed but the game is far from a polished product. The efforts of the mod community made it playable for many and the game would have lost users without them.
  5. None of the mercs added to AIM are on the site. I can't look at my existing team. Creating an IMP is broken. Rebooted and tried a new game. Same issues. I have lots of mods, mostly QOL and added mercs. I have no idea where to begin damage control and am not looking forward to the amount of time that will be spent.
  6. Thanks. When I looked others have the same problem.
  7. Weird question. I have entered a new sector and a merc from a mod is now invisible. It is functioning like shooting and talking but I only see the blue circle. Any thoughts?
  8. I took 2 different town sectors, C7+D8, and there are no operations available. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. What are the in game effects of the different types of ammunition? Tracer, subsonic, etc.
  10. Do any weapons come with mods that require chips?
  11. Loading a save in combat skips to there turn. Is it a glitch or intentional?
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