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JA3 resource acquisition and strategic targets?


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I'm just wondering how this will be handled in JA3. In JA1, there were no towns as such, you just captured sectors with Fallow trees, and assigned workers (which you were supposed to protect, but didn't often end up having to). In JA2, the main strategic boons were when you captured settlements (and their mines), with other things of secondary interest to be found in other sectors along the way.

I'm presuming JA3 will do it the JA2 way, but maybe a bit of the old style from JA1 would work alongside this. Do we have any info on this currently?

Edited by ZeeraCamay
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On 1/10/2023 at 6:18 PM, ZeeraCamay said:

I'm just wondering how this will be handled in JA3. In JA1, there were no towns as such, you just captured sectors with Fallow trees, and assigned workers (which you were supposed to protect, but didn't often end up having to). In JA2, the main strategic boons were when you captured settlements (and their mines), with other things of secondary interest to be found in other sectors along the way.

I'm presuming JA3 will do it the JA2 way, but maybe a bit of the old style from JA1 would work alongside this. Do we have any info on this currently?

No info as yet but we know already that the main source of our income will the the blood diamonds 💎 and possibly few other stuff, so am strongly guessing it will be similar to Jagged Alliance 2.

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How about raiding enemy convoys or supply depots for money, food, arms and aid? Intelligence could be gained by buying information from civilians or from captured officers as to where and when a convoy is travelling through a sector.

Additional money and items could be gained from completing side missions for local personalities, whether they are gang leaders, resistance fighters, townsfolk, wealthy opportunists, colonials and so on.

Another idea was one myself and others discussed briefly in the past in these forums. That was to have bounties for certain enemy officers, gang members or highly talented individuals.

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1 hour ago, Solaris_Wave said:

How about raiding enemy convoys

This might be in the game, if you take a look in the latest trailer at the time 1.17, if you pause there and go frame by frame until you see the map clearly, you will notice the player squad intercepting a traveling enemy squad with a symbol of a briefcase with a diamond on it.

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On 1/21/2023 at 11:11 PM, Hendrix said:

This might be in the game, if you take a look in the latest trailer at the time 1.17, if you pause there and go frame by frame until you see the map clearly, you will notice the player squad intercepting a traveling enemy squad with a symbol of a briefcase with a diamond on it.

Its true we can intercept the convoys just like in Jagged Alliance Rage.


BTW even the enemies looking way too cartoonish to me, like they are going to a Halloween celebration lol, i mean its exaggerated. Why they cant make a bit more realistic battlefield outfits and camo for God sake.


And in the upper right corner says Time, possibly Time its a nickname of a IMP but then again it seems like our merc will not have a portrait ? 🤔

Jagged Alliance 3 - Map View 01.jpg

Jagged Alliance 3 - Map View 02.jpg

Edited by LoboNocturno
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9 minutes ago, LoboNocturno said:

And in the upper right corner says Time, possibly Time its a nickname of a IMP but then again it seems like our merc will not have a portrait ? 🤔

Could be a new merc, where the portrait isn't ready yet, but it can also be an escort NPC or a custom mercenary. But after watching the new trailer a second time, it would be fair to say that "Time" could be nothing more than a mercenary made in I.M.P. 

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That is what I was thinking. It looks like where your custom merc will be.

One thing about releasing a screenshot or video of a work in progress, is that they are immediately open to scrutiny, as if what the developers are showing is complete and final. Things are being added and changed all the time, giving the idea that producing a preview of something is pointless because it will be criticised or soon out of date. And yet, if nothing is shown, the developers can be equally criticised as being 'awfully quiet' and that the development could be 'troubled'.

This isn't a criticism of anyone by me, just an observation.

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23 hours ago, Wigen said:

Could be a new merc, where the portrait isn't ready yet, but it can also be an escort NPC or a custom mercenary. But after watching the new trailer a second time, it would be fair to say that "Time" could be nothing more than a mercenary made in I.M.P. 

Which i also highly assume, which means our own made IMP`s will not be having even a portrait ? That would be pretty poor, and a big minus to JA2.

They should seriously consider a overlook all of the mercs & NPC`s outfits once again and try to give them a little seriouser look, the outfits must fit in to the environment, Bastien (guess he will be a NPC) as example doesnt really like a Grand Chien rebel but a ghetto dealer from the hood with a fat dollar sign $ chain. Or Deedee Bombastic (guess another NPC) looks too cartoonish imo, too nerdy and comical then imagine she having a soft voice as well, it will be similar like a Japanese manga. 😒

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44 minutes ago, LoboNocturno said:

They should seriously consider a overlook all of the mercs & NPC`s outfits once again and try to give them a little seriouser look, the outfits must fit in to the environment,

It seems to me that at this stage of production, any major changes in the appearance of individual characters are rather less than possible.

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1 hour ago, Wigen said:

It seems to me that at this stage of production, any major changes in the appearance of individual characters are rather less than possible.

You think? I mean we do not have a release date yet so my guess is that the game will not be released until the end of the year. Wouldn't that be plenty of time to make changes to a characters looks? I might be completely wrong though.


1 hour ago, LoboNocturno said:

Which i also highly assume, which means our own made IMP`s will not be having even a portrait ?

That would be very strange and surprise me a lot. The importance of a player felling/being visually connected to characters they create is well known.

For the moment I would assume that the feature is not developed yet and they are using place holders.

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