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Reddit and JA3 Knowledge Base


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Hey guys,

I'm not quite sure if we had the topic here yet, but it got me quite wondering why we didn't have a Forum at bears pit yet, let alone somebody making an HP as a knowledge base for JA3.

@DougS2K made this awesome spreadsheet here
and myself created a little starters item list on reddit.

Do you guys have any other good sources or some place where we should collect the JA3 knowledge?

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Looks like the Bear's Pit just recently added some dedicated forums for JA3. No action there yet by the looks of it though. I few people have recently been posting in the JA3 subreddit I noticed. Probably just been a little slow everywhere since we've been drip-feed info to this point and with the release date only a few days, we're all starting to come out of or shells. haha I'm a big fan of subreddit so I'll be doing most of my posting there once the game releases.

Note, I have added links to all relevant resources so far in the JA3 subreddit to the resources tab and will continue to do so if more pop up.

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13 minutes ago, Claypl said:

Personally I will avoid those lists until get couple playthroughs under my belt but appreciate the effort for those in need @chr_isso

Awesome job @DougS2K your work keep me at night crunching all the possibilities 😄

I can totally understand. But since I've watched the gameplay from the first island anyway, I thought this could be a good idea to collect.

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