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Modding Tools


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It's very hard for me to imagine Jagged Alliance 3 without modding tools. After all, modding tools are nowadays almost indispensable and obligatory, so I hope they will also be released on the occasion of Jagged Alliance 3. The creators and the company should definitely pay special attention to mod v1.13 which added many elements to the game base.

In my opinion, it would be quite reasonable to release such tools even after the game's premiere.

Edited by Wigen
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2 hours ago, Wigen said:

After all, modding tools are nowadays almost indispensable and obligatory,

We probably live in different worlds, because I have a completely different opinion about the current gaming market. The vast majority of mod tools are made by fans by cracking game files, not by the producers of these games.


1 hour ago, Wigen said:

so I hope they will also be released on the occasion of Jagged Alliance 3.

In my opinion, it would be quite reasonable to release such tools even after the game's premiere.

Not in our times, because today the money is most important things and they have to match, nothing more.

I remember my conversation with Devs, who created JA: Back in Action. They told me then, that they can't release tools, by which they made the game, even a stripped down version, because the licence forbid them. If some producers choose to release mod tools, they have to create new ones only for public release and that takes time, resources, and money.

If they release mod tools, then we will be able to make some kind of free mods, updates or DLCs with varied stuff. But it doesn't make sense because Devs can do it too and sell it for real money.


In my opinion you are way too optimistic for what this game will have.



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Not to break your spirits @Wigen, but I think of we look at games under the THQNordic umbrella, most games like Tropico, Surviving Mars, etc... function on DLC.




I really dislike this trend, as a person with an old-school mindset. But, I do not work this industry, so maybe it is a necessary evil for some companies to survive?

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