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Posts posted by Godzilla

  1. 45 minutes ago, Image Miroir said:

    Nonetheless, Russia received a lot of money from western countries in early 90s.

    And btw russia suffered a major economic collapse in early 90s, coincidence or another example of what i meant.

    The western powers arent going to help tou today for no reason, what you gain financial aid and lots and lots of money you lose in autonomy and sovereignty, and sooner or later you're destabilized and your regime is replaced by increasingly sympathetic pro western controlled puppets

    • Like 1
  2. which has already happened twice to russia, once after crimea, another after the start of ukraine "special operation"l both times the exchange rate never recovered, which does not make sense with economuc analysis, meaning the reasons for the exchange rate collapses are not purely economic

    the game seems to be: play ball and become a vassal of USA and basically lose any ability to make any kind of changes either domestically or on the international stage, and to be activist at all in any capacity, or start acting independently of what the US wants but then they impoverish you economically and slowly attemp to replace your regime

  3. 34 minutes ago, Image Miroir said:


    This aid is coming from western powers' pockets, therefore they have the right to benefit from it. Alliance are like clubs, refusing to follow the rules of the club is legitimate, but then don't ask to be a member. And if not a member, no surprise you won't get the advantage of the club...

    Nonetheless, Russia received a lot of money from western countries in early 90s.

    The f they do, if they start handing out aid in return for alleigance or subordination thats bs and that means theyre not really motivated by altruistic purpose.

    plus all exchange rates are rigged anyways, US controls that stuff since the dollar is the primary currency and the US also functions under a petro $ system which artificially boosts demand for the currency

    and if you dont do what the US or wider western powers like they have a number of ways to punish you economically and destabilize your country via poverty, like by crashing your exchange rate

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Reloecc said:

    For me.. Engine seems good, I like assets and possibilities. But I don't care this game really until modded. So Topic #1 shall be Mods.

    its gonna take a lot of modding to unfuck what the devs have done, ngl

  5. 4 hours ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    Older guns could still give way to newer guns. You could start off with WWII-era (and earlier) handguns and rifles that would still remain in Africa, along with civilian hunting rifles and shotguns. Then you would see firearms from the 50s and 60s, which would then be supplanted by later eras. The final tiers would be guns that have provision for multiple attachments, such as suppressors, grips, lights, lasers and optics.

    Damage may not be vastly different but reliability, magazine capacity, attachment options, lighter weight and less action point usage would be the benefits. Better ammunition would come along as well.

    accurate older weapons could be replaced by modernized versions

  6. 4 hours ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    That is why I can only hope that the inventory system is not set in stone at this point. Hopefully, Haemimont might be open to changing it. Unlike the CtH debate, I don't think I have encountered one person so far that is truly positive about the inventory system in JA3.

    Im not positive about it I just dont care about it I dont think it matters, or is the biggest issue in front of us atm

    my complaints about the simplified inventory are firmly down on page 10 or 5 somewhere

  7. 3 hours ago, Lunokhod said:

    I didnt have any hopes. U watch too many political channels on youtube, this is your problem, man. I know that nothing will change until technological singularity. We need Skynet to control us. It is a guarantee of our safety.

    Russian economy sucking doesnt mean their geopolitical aims arent justified and that is the point here

    How much financial aid and assistance did russia miss out on by not playing the western powers' game

  8. 7 hours ago, Image Miroir said:

    Too often "trolls" are people with different point of view, approach and sensibilities. I felt insulted by now one so far, and if people felt insulted I'm sorry. There's a war ongoing not that far away, and even if some think it's not a good idea to remove the Russian flag from Jagged Alliance, at least they express themselves.

    Has people with more power been able to do the same, we'd be enjoying a much better planet to live on.

    You right on the first part. Its too bad we disagree so much on your views of global geo politics and whats really going on with ukraine (which doessnt even have anything to do with ukraine its a geopolitical conflict)

  9. 3 hours ago, Solaris_Wave said:

    @Lunokhod, what would your ideal Jagged Alliance game be? Just out of curiosity. How would it look and how would it play? What would you want to see and definitely not want to see? How about a particular developer?

    JA2 1.13 with better graphics balancing and level design

    dont fix what aint broken

    getting the feeling that the devs tried to reinvent the wheel a bit too hard with JA3. new ideas are great, if they actually work.

  10. 8 hours ago, chr_isso said:

    Nah man, the toggle is for the X-Com Players who need it.

    I would switch it off and never touch it, as long as the feel of Merc+Weapon is right.

    Are you really kidding me? Did you ever play vanilla ja2 or only 1.13?

    I played vanilla when I was 14 are YOU kidding me

    Plus vanilla was such a different and simplified experience compared to 1.13 that its not even worth mentioning

    8 hours ago, chr_isso said:

    Nah man, the toggle is for the X-Com Players who need it.

    I would switch it off and never touch it, as long as the feel of Merc+Weapon is right.

    Are you really kidding me? Did you ever play vanilla ja2 or only 1.13?

    Man, you start in Omerta, have 3 or 4 mercs with Deagle, Colts and your AIM Merc with MP5.

    After the first few enemies and then hunting the last one you got the feeling for it.

    As soon as you arrive in draußen airport you knew how to position, how to move to the building in the south east, then to the fence and cut your way to the airplane.

    The feel for the aiming when out of range, the hope to hit and not get hit .. that was the Ja2 feeling. 

    Ofc you can save and reload and reload and reload until you get it right.

    Or you could just play along with all the faults and get hit a few times.

    What does it matter? CtH is nice if you want a playthrough without getting hit. But that will deny you the adrenaline rush if you need to save a merc with a smoke and get your medic close to him and miss him for the next few sectors.

    They got much more valuable if you play without reload.. and CTH.

    Why would anybody want to not minimize getting hit and not maximize the hits you do.

    Im sorry but some of you pro CTH people sounding straight delusional atm.

  11. 1 minute ago, Sarin said:

    A word of advice here, guys. Don't feed the trolls. Exposure is what they crave, and since they can't argument with any facts, they'll just spew propaganda and insults to try to get you to cross the line. Ignore and report them.

    A word of advice guys.

    Come in hot into a forum clpaiming everybody is brainwashed and victims of propaganda

    Then get blown out in less than 5 seconds and have to restrict your account to cope


  12. 1 minute ago, Sarin said:


    Yet another stereotypical behaviour, accusing others of things you do yourself. Typical for Russians.



    I'm not spending all my time here, y'know. Unlike you, apparently. By the way, re-read my post. You're dead wrong about the political and media situation in my country, and I wrote that already.


    And don't bother replying. You've become a first member of my ignore list here, congratulations.

    😆😆😆😆 Why so mad.

    Did the mean bad man on the forums tell you too much truth? 😆

    If Im so wrong, tell me which country it is. But you wont...

    • Haha 1
  13. Just now, Sarin said:


    See how laden with propaganda misconceptions you are? You don't even know what country I'm talking about, you instantly jumped to conclusion that it's working on a two-party system without independent media. Here's a hint, neither is true about my country or vast majority of the "western" countries. The only place that comes close to it, but even then it maintain some media polarity and independence, is USA.


    You don't know anything about the world outside your own, messed up country, and it shows.


    I dont see it.

    😆😆 Youre the most obviously bad faith troll Ive encountered on this board which is saying something.

    • Haha 1
  14. Just now, Kordanor said:

    Sorry, didnt read through all replies here.

    But imho the Russian flag should stay. It's just the history of the game.

    However I think that the hammer and sickle should be removed from Ivan's hat. That actually hasn't been a part of his hat before and is unnecessary.

    Also we do have an Ukrainian Merc now, which I think is quite cool.

    Im not offended by the USSR symbol though Im not a fan of it. Later USSR became a very different thing compared to early USSR. Still not very free, but not entirely communistveither.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Sarin said:

    And here it is. A triumph of a hundred years of propaganda, convincing people that every country, every government is just as bad as Russian one, that democracy doesn't work and west is just better at hiding it.

    Propaganda = truth it appears then?

    The only triumph of propaganda here is you, being brainwashed into thinking your vote actually matters or that both the television controls what issues get discussed and both parties control who you get to vote on and choose from.

    Its a false choice. But you dont seem very educated so you probably arent aware of anything Ive just told you 😉


    10 minutes ago, Sarin said:

    Let me tell you one thing. My country has plenty of experience with both Russian (respectively Soviet) tyranny and actually being a free, democratic country allied to the "western" governments. My parents and grandparents lived through both and have had plenty of first-hand experience to compare, so it's not just "propaganda", but actual experience saying this: Russia is just messed up. Whether we're talking about personal freedoms, participation in governing the country or economic factors, those forty years being a Soviet proxy were hell compared to either interwar republic or post-Soviet times. Not every country is hell-bent on dominating others like Russia, not every country has so messed up pseudo-fascist political system and while in some "western" countries, democracy barely works...even at its lowest it's much better than being Russian satellite.

    Cool story, dont care. Your country had a history of one land lord, called the soviet union, and it has a history of another landlord called the united states. Better get your money, rent is due 😆

  16. 29 minutes ago, Image Miroir said:

    Yes I did, but I disagree with you. People can protest and oppose their government and leaders in all western countries. In Russia, just saying "Russia invaded Ukraine and run their a dirty war" can make you being judged... and sentenced.

    Look at Russian history, between the creation of the country until now, there was barely 10 years of democracy (between 1991 and 2001). Putin-Medvedev, then Medvedev-Putin, then Putin again... it's a comedy.

    Russian people just don't understand nor believe freedom exists. They live with chains and imagine everyone does.

    No you didntlisten to a thing I said, otherwise you wouldve been able to respond appropriately.

    Youre the only one living with chains here pal. Yeah its so hard for russians to live with all of these chains of not being influenced and controlled by a major superpower or unipolar superpower like the US oh yeah wow the control is truly next level 😆

    Dont get me wrong Putin isnt the nicest of guys, I just think in this case he's in the right when it comes to to responding to western aggression influence and intervention.

  17. 54 minutes ago, scope112 said:

    I fully agree with this list. Especially the current inventory system with automatic squad inventory is wrong. 


    Compared to JA2, inventory management can be streamlined, but this is just fully dumbing down the game, and leaving out even the need for basic ammo management. I am not in favor of this at all. I think it makes the game much worse, giving me a mobile phone game vibe.

    I really think inventory simplification is not the biggest of deals would it be nice if we had vests and different item slots yes, but there are much bigger issues here like the lack of cth and overall XCOMification of everything.

  18. Just now, Taurean said:

    That's such a vague logic .. i can't even comprehend what you're trying to convey. A game is supposed to be a combination of challenge and fun. One is supposed to learn use one's brain. Remembering things and learning what to look for is part of this. It's like help tips in other games .. after a while, one turns them off. What's wrong with making this into a challenge? It also means a better challenge in a potential hardcore mode. No room for mistakes or misconceptions. I kind of like that idea.

    not being able to comprehend logic would not surprise me in the slightest.

  19. 1 hour ago, Image Miroir said:


    Then Russia should try it.


    Did you even understand what I wrote to you?
    You said the west has democracy I said no it doesnt and few places have democracy you basically replied with "uhuh yep so lets talk about football" lol what

    And russia does have a sham democracy just as much as the west does. They're just slightly worse at hiding it.

  20. 1 hour ago, Taurean said:

    Easy mode: Show hit percentage and factors.

    Medium: Optional.

    Expert: Don't show.

    As you move the cursor around, the hit percentage shows up in a box or somewhere not obstructive, where it constantly shifts as you move the cursor and obstacles and such changes hit percentage.

    Part of the fun in JA2 for me was not knowing the hit percentage, but trying to figure out how to increase that as much as possible by reading the terrain and such. That information was not readily available, but i got quite far in figuring it out. There are many factors to consider, and i found that intriguing.

    Again that just sounds like you want to punish people for being intelligent enough to want correct design features.

  21. 1 hour ago, DougS2K said:

    I imagine it's to late at this stage of development for changes but this is a list of things/issues/suggestions I think could improve the game: 

    1. Implement a Bobby Ray's and Tony equivalent. Our highly skilled mercs shouldn't rely on scavenging for gear off enemies. Bobby Ray's gear could unlock as you progress throughout the game like in JA2.

    2. Expand inventory to include different backpacks and LBE gear and factor in weight and size of weapons like JA3 1.13.

    3. Get rid of the shared inventory system for ammo and make mercs actually have to carry magazines. The magic box of shared bullets is bizarre and lazy.

    4. Allow ammo mags to be purchased instead of crafting or finding boxes of bullets. Again, magazines, not magical shared boxes of ammo.

    5. Make weapon mods purchasable and swappable between weapons instead of being built from scrap which is a weird system. It doesn't make sense to make a scope, a barrel, etc, out of scrap. Plus, if you find a better weapon, you have to do this whole mod with scrap mechanic all over again from scratch on the new weapon.

    6. More weapon variety. More guns is always better amirite?

    7. Add NVG's, sunglasses, etc, like JA2 had. Was shocked these weren't in the game.

    8. Add more portrait/outfit options for IMP.

    9. Do away with magically getting money from hacking devices. Another weird design decision. Income should be based on controlling mines and selling gear you find. This is where a Tony would come into play along with different backpacks to carry the stuff your going to sell.

    10. Chance of bleeding should be increased. Happens to infrequent.

    11. Number of maximum militia per sector and enemies should be increased.

    12. Add sort functionality to sector inventory.

    13. Remove or rework perks and special abilities. Personally I don't like them at all however if they are to remain, I think the way the perk system is done isn't very good.

    14. Add more mercs. Just like guns, more is better.

    15. Allow signing mercs to contracts for more than two weeks at a time. Two weeks is the maximum right now it seems but some mercs we know we will keep using forever so why can I not lock them in for more than two weeks at a time?

    More is more and thats great but does it solve any base issues with the gameplay?

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