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Everything posted by Elite77

  1. If you think that, I got no idea when's the last time you played JA2 or JA2 modded, what you're saying makes you sound high as a kite. "JA2 had weight system, the rig system only added a layer of obfuscation on top of it", no, the rig system forces you to not just bring in anything you want, it forces you to have to ask which slots are most ideal for what you want to bring in. Different rigs also have more or less slots, which means the overall volume is different, and I'm not so sure about this part, but there might be per-slot limitations in terms of how a 2-AR mag pouch converts over to a grenade that you want to put in that pouch, etc. Your only potential argument here is that the JA2 1.13 rig system was improperly balanced, which I will grant, but I will in no way grant that adding a whole new dimension to the item system was a bad idea.
  2. Now who's being sexist for claiming grandmas can't play WOW at a high level, there's plenty of girls who play WOW at a high level (then again a lot of them get given freebies for being women, but...) You're confusing popularity with "mass appeal" WHICH WAS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE FKING CONVERSATION.
  3. Yes it is, you're wrong on so many levels. Because now you have to think "ok how do I get the most space from an LBE rig, do I get the one with 4 AR mags, but there's only 2 of those, or do I get the one with 4 double pistol mags", and so on. This is just a great aspect of JA2 1.13, and while it doesn't need to be brought into JA3 right off the bat, it wouldn't hurt if they implemented LBE rigs and did a few other things to make JA3 more like modded JA2.
  4. If anybody's interested, this person just called Tarkov a "PUBG clone" and said WOW didn't have complex mechanics like 20-40 skills per class and various metas you had to learn. Yeah, he's like actually not intelligent, feel free to ignore @ninjalex
  5. WOW isn't straightforward at all, call of duty is straightforward (though it's been getting more complicated), WOW is an RPG with trinkets and 10+ different item slots, lots of classes, lots of metas and things to know and learn, lots of different ways of min-maxing, and it all takes a lot of time, and to get the best gear you need to one, raid with a giant guild which by itself is an involved process, and then while raiding you need to know all the mechanics really well, and know how to play your class extremely well. There's also about 20-40 skills per class. I rest my case, if you think WOW isn't a niche complex RPG with tons of mechanics, stats, BIS items, you're not only wrong, you're dumb as well. "Eve Online: Complex, definitively niche, but subscription based. Which means you don't need broad appeal" So. Are you saying tons of people don't log into EVE? I can assure you they do. It's a popular title. Subscription based still need a big userbase. "Elden Ring: Third person action adventure with a very established following and previous games that were a definitive hit. It's not "niche"" Abysmal 1 IQ argument. Elden Ring is extremely invovled at a mechanics level, at a difficulty level, at a min-maxing level. Your literal arugment is "lol action adventure". You're basically dismissing it because the camera is third person. Which is a very stupid argument. "Tarkov: There are x amounts of PUBG-clones out there because the BR-genre has had a heyday with PUBG," Tarkov is a PUBG CLONE? WHAT? BROTHER, READ A BOOK every once in a while. It's like somebody woke you up from a coma and just introduced you to games for first time since Pokemon in 2004.
  6. Yeah you got real quiet when I started asking you basic questions or pressing you on the facts huh. Speaking of alternative history, may want to check your own comment history out buddy 😉
  7. 1 would be very boring, in my opinion, most spec forces missions are very much "go in, kill somebody or capture a politician, get out", it's very procedural bureaucratic stuff, there's no grander narrative about a dictator or anything like that. 2 How would you make items work in this. No more item loot? No more items being kept from last mission and brought into the new mission?
  8. 🤣 I'm starting to detect why you got so mad over my first comment. This is personal for you, isn't it? What's the matter. Cmon, I already asked you this in DMs, where are you from, and what are your political leanings.
  9. Cope harder coward, I explained how she failed upwards to "joint commander", and how many other "joint commanders" is very unclear. Could be 500 for all you know. Also USA backed this SDF campaign A-Z, if you think SDF was doing anything other than following orders, you're very mistaken.
  10. Read the rest of the comment genius, then respond to my DM coward.
  11. The only come back I need, you are easy to evaporate. 🤣 Are you mad, little girl that I'm criticizing a woman? I knew there was something about this comment. You are mad that a woman's honor hath been besmirched and her qualifications brought into question. Women can be anything it's just that whenever anybody brings up an example it's some photo op chick who has seen 1 hour of combat as a medic. (Or in this case some dumb civilian that wasn't even trusted with anything more than a pistol by the YPG forces that appear to be a US-backed rebel group made up of mostly american citizens, not even locals). by the way, here's a good link about her real role in SDF: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/revolutionary-kurdish-feminist-leads-assault-on-raqqa-29kdsrgpc Chick's the face of SDF while SDF is really controlled by US and NATO. Same crap as with Ukraine at the moment, you think Ukraine is actually capable of mustering a defense against Russia, with 10% of their army or military equipment, and 10% of their military leadership?
  12. Bad opinion, JA2 1.13 added LBE rigs which added a whole new dynamic to items in JA2 1.13 and made the gameplay much more exciting.
  13. So doubling down on being wrong I see. She participated in one battle when she got blown out, she has dissapeared from public spotlight since 2017, and she has, by all appearances, only made speeches and posed for pictures, which is not real soldiering. There is no clear record of her participating in any military duty anywhere outside of the time she lost half her squad to ISIS in 2016.
  14. For a person not trying to steer this conversation into an aggressive route, you sure are doing your best to steer it that way. Your first mistake: it's not logistics. Logistics is how you move supplies around from the location of manufacture to the point of use. Your second mistake: lightly armed has no such designation as you described, and wikipedia is certainly under no obligation to respect military terminology. For all we know, they did have spoons. For a fan of a military tactics game, you have a remarkably absent amount of intelligence.
  15. Seems like I don't. "Felat was first given command of 45 fighters, and then 300. From that point on, she rose to become one of the YPG/YPJ's most important commanders." "Felat took part" "By late 2018, Felat was taking part in the Deir ez-Zor campaign"
  16. "With the uprising escalating into a civil war, Felat received just a few days of training before she was issued a weapon." "Felat commanded a small, lightly armed squad of eleven other women during the siege." "Lightly armed". What, did they give her spoons? "Despite the bitter resistance of the YPG/YPJ, the hill eventually fell to ISIL, whereupon Felat and her squad retreated further into Kobanî. By the time the siege was broken in January 2015, Felat had been wounded by shrapnel, and five of her subordinates killed while two others were also wounded. The rest of her squad eventually returned to civilian life, and only Felat continued to be active in the military." BRUH. She "fought" one battle that she lost, where half of her squad died, and it's not even clear what arms they were even given. Makes it sound like they were armed with smartphones on selfie sticks so they can take more pictures of themselves at the battlefield and pretend to be soldiers.
  17. "Felat is a strong adherent of the YPG/YPJ. She has decided to never marry or have children, and instead intends to serve in the military for the rest of her life.A nonpracticing Muslim, she is a follower of Abdullah Ocalan's revolutionary ideology and self-identifies as radical feminist, fighting for social reforms in Syria that would improve the rights and lives of women of all ethnicities." I SMELL SOMETHING SUSPICIOUS Photo op non-soldier, who only wears a uniform for pictures, but otherwise doesn't serve at all. Oh great, here's another quote: "Among her personal heroes are the Polish-German radical Communist Rosa Luxembourg, PKK leader Sakine Canziz, and the Iraqi Kurdish activist Leyla Oasim. Felat is also critical of capitalism, saying that "the capitalist system views us [women in general] as objects"." I'm crying laughing here 🤣 Oh and by the way, there is no evidence of her at all after 2017, or before 2017. It's like she feel off. I SMELL SOMETHING SUSPICIOUS.
  18. Not fixes, I'm just surveying what people are happy or not happy with (or don't think is a big deal, or not a problem). Somebody earlier said that they didn't have a good clear poll with more than one option and about more than one topic, so here it is.
  19. Also the choices are multiple choice, so pick all that apply. I would also like to expand on my personal observation that one good thing about 1.13, is that it really had this feeling like you had not just 1 starter pistol, or middle-of-the-range AR, you had like 5 of those pistols to choose from, and it was up to you to find the best pistol out of that range before you moved on to the next range. Imo, with weapon rosters that are only 20 weapons or 40 weapons in size, you really don't have that loop of trying to figure out not just how to get a better weapon, but how to get a better gun from within the range of acceptible guns currently. To where the upgrade isn't immediately or automatically clear.
  20. A poll for various features of JA3 and whether you dislike them, think they need more work, think they need to be made more complex, or whether they should just be switched out with something different, but not because of complexity. Note: entires for who voted are public.
  21. It is for everyone, if they disagree they're lying. But both JA2 and JA2 1.13 have the same inventory style, I'm not sure where people get this idea that JA2's inventory is different to 1.13. The only difference is that in 1.13 your vests and LBE affects the slots you have on your person, in JA2 vanilla you get the same slot amount. But the principle is the same, unless I'm mistaken. Still some slots can have more ammo mags in them than others, etc.
  22. Trevor, Razor, Haywire, should all be a part of a DLC if they're not already included. Lots of potential for very cool characters in JA. Just make them cool looking.
  23. they should bring back JA:FB interrupt system, it cost AP to set up, so you couldn't just rely on it by default, so that was an interesting mechanic to it, but it didn't have a cone beyond what the mercenary sees, and I think this is good. Having said that, there's very little chance that they're going to implement it, in my opinion, much more likely we'll have to wait until JA4 if this sells well, or a large DLC.
  24. Disagree. By niche I simply mean very in-depth, and involving very complicated mechanics that are not very "mass appeal" or are not aimed at a very disinterested "general audience".
  25. Firstly you're confusing XCOM 2 with chimera squad which is a separate game. Secondly, the reason why XCOM 2 sold was because there was a demand for this kind of genre and mechanics made at a high level from a well respected developer, who will do it to a high level of execution. Thirdly, customizing everything wasn't a major factor in the quality of XCOM 1 or 2, it was just a well done customization aspect of XCOM. Fourthly, you didn't even answer my fundamental point. For somebody claiming something else is bullshit from somebody else, you sure are full of shit yourself. XCOM didn't sell well either because of the customization options that don't matter, and it didn't only sell well because of the franchise being popular. My fundamental point was that XCOM 1 and 2 would've done even better had they not beaten around the bush, and this point is correct. If you're going to criticize it, at least talk about the point and argument, which is predicated on this idea, this myth, of a "mainstream audience", you need to make concessions to.
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