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Everything posted by ArulcoFan

  1. Please do us all a favor and never combine the terms "goddamn" "y'all" and "glowing".
  2. It is simplified in parts but I would say ideally it would be a bit closer to JA 2, and include things like % accuracy on shots and less RPG style combat. (And yes I know its written to "shadowmagic").
  3. I wont derail a thread with a huge conversation about legitimate vs cruel violence that approaches terror tactics, but lets just say I think it looks a specific way when a woman merc castrates a male, regardless of which side they're on, and then makes jokes about it.
  4. Def think they should've scrubbed fox making reference to "castrating" somebody however. Even the line format in my opinion was really weak, like it was very obvious that somebody on the writing staff thought of a pun and they just crammed it in there without thinking. Castration is a huge war crime that was used by the most violent cartels in mexico as one of the most severe violent tactics availible. To think its good joke material is like if you thought human trafficking is good joke material.
  5. Whoever came up with the time line is a genius. Its a great way to iterate on the UI and make a helpful QoL update.
  6. I dont believe bullet trajectories are that important. Now can the way bullets move be changed to look better? Perhaps.
  7. Its all OTT they intentionally said that enemies looked "too clean". The enemies looked perfect this is stupid. You can also add minor features without turning them into festival costumes. They look like theyve spent the last 4 hours in a make up chair.
  8. I am not going to say anything 🤣 IFISPEAK
  9. An idea for a JA3 Elliot reference, maybe some other references that are humorous maybe: Ironic references, so really unexpected out of character references for bad characters from JA2. Example: Elliot's hospital for children or something, which by itself is very ironic and unexpected that he'd go from like a bad character in ja2 to like a benevolent philanthropist (though maybe that wont work out time line wise). Or the mean lady who ran the factory, imagine she's still mean but like a local newspaper gives her an award for hunane treatment of workers and its clearly not humane or something, ccould be very funny.
  10. @Remi1987 I agree broadly I think developers actually tried to recapture the mood and atmosphere of JA2 but also did some things that I would personally not do. The best thing to do at this point is to support the franchise and put out good press for it so the randos on steam who dont know the difference between a spoon and a fork or between action points and XCOMs system purchase it and we can keep the franchise rolling. Regardless Ill still play it just to see the old characters back enjoy the writing enjoy the strategy, even if the devs took some steps that I would personally not take.
  11. Imo you gotta max marksmanship agility dexterity and wisdom and then you'll have maybe 1 2 stats you can max and those should be leadership for convo options and maybe mechanics for random door unlocks and chest unlocks. Btw just had a great idea for how to make mechanical stat much more useful and its own like area of JA; make lots of doors require mech stat check to open or unlock and maybe have them require different kinds of lockpicks like at first mechanical then more advanced mechanical then digital. Basically if you are going to go in as a stealthy squad you'll need a mechanics guy to open all the doors all the big warehouse gates disable lights or electricity to an area or some buildings, turn off cameras if theres any, etc. How are you guys going to set up your first custom merc?
  12. Or you can also do a raid on a drug dealers mansion or base or base of operations (or compound even better, drug dealers can have compounds).
  13. I dont want to be a hater but I think a bank heist would be a bit different tone wise to typical JA type stuff. I can keep the concept of a bank heist and do a quest situation where the general or "dictator" type figure has a "secret" warehouse full of gear (maybe even so much gear you cant take it all by design) and that you can only bring in about one person or two people who have high leadership requirement who pretend to be civilians and then can take out a pistol and fight their way out, and the warehouse burns down or explodes or something because a safety measure got triggered etc. I think that can be a tone-wise correct way to do a bank heist type mission without borrowing a quest that I think would belong in something like a mafia or gangster setting more.
  14. Radomir radomir radomir! We are honored by your presence sir radomir. Like talking to a real life merc in person! 🤣
  15. Ok boiler plate andy. The criticism should be about something that actually matters it cant be about something like "JA2 sucks because the font on "jagged alliance" sucks. Who decided the name "jagged alliance" anyway"? The font may suck but its not a valid criticism unless it actually matters. You can criticize just about anything but if in the course of criticism you try to imply something along the lines of "can you BELIEVE that they messed up the font of "jagged alliance" [in jagged alliance 2] then its like ok clearly you are not interested in evaluating the product objectively and not adding or subtracting importance from things it got right or wrong. And thats why when you said that "oh they cant even get portraits right" Im like "brother you can say you dont like what you see in total without using the portraits as like the single point of criticism that caused all the issues".
  16. This is like the typical level of criticism from people who maybe dont like what they see but then go out looking for criticisms vs actually noticing what is and isnt a mistake. Some of the female portraits look iffy. The male ones look mostly fine but I would still change their overall look and tone. Heres the problem tho: some ja2 portraits were no less bad if not more so. Do you guys remember what fox looked like? Fox looked plain af, random generic chick from tri-state area. If you're going to criticize, make good fundamental criticisms, dont complain about 1 portrait. Dont go out looking for criticisns or try to find ways to criticize a game, any product can be criticized if you firce your criticisms or obsess over the unimportant.
  17. 4/5 but I dont think its the same genre as JA2. Too many changes have taken place away from strategy in my opinion.
  18. You know guys, with fans like these who needs haters. I know Ill be doing my part. See you on the field.
  19. This operation will also be followed by "operation STFU" or operation "keep your criticisms or negativity in this forum until 2 weeks after release because there are only diehards here who'll buy the game anyways and all the mainstream andies who play fortnite are on steam etc". ❤️❤️
  20. Gentlemen, As the best way to ensure a sequel is to make sure JA3 sells well, I propose a simple plan to maximize the potential revenue and maximize chances of a sequel. For us all to spread out from this forum and begin conquering other forums, while making replies and posting new threads about JA3's impending release and JA3 itself. All positive of course to generate awareness and positive reception. Don't be obvious of course. Comments like "hey guys, did you hear about this new game coming out" will stick out and be very obvious. However: bringing up JA3 naturally in the course of conversation on other threads that are related to JA3 by either genre or non genre specific topic, will be an example of good grassroots marketing. If there are other people already talking about JA3 leave positive comments. If you have to make a new account dont just jump straight into JA talk leave some meaningless comments elsewhere to pass detection. The mission is yours if you choose to accept it. Verbal confirmation is not necessary. See you in the field, soldier.
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