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Beak last won the day on August 24 2023

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  1. On my first play through with v1.4+ after playing at launch and am loving the game again. Learning something new with each play and not even seen the new maps yet! This game has legs!
  2. Been out of the loop for a few weeks. Has anything been released since 1.1.1? Any news from the devs?
  3. Yeah that’s why I was asking. Anything that really adds to gameplay?
  4. ICYMI This 1.1.1 hotfix does address some issues introduced in yesterdays patch while also fixing a few other issues.List of fixes:• Stability improvements and fixes for the black screen experienced by players• Fixed a crash when talking to King Chicken• Fixed an issue with items remaining stuck on screen after the inventory is closed• Fixed an issue where combat will restart immediately after it ends• Fixed an issue with cancelling Overwatch that will cause mercs to start with 0 AP• Resolved a case where deployed mercs will not properly appear on the map• Fixed an issue with several black screens flashing when Esc is pressed repeatedly in the Inventory• Changed how tiredness is accumulated• Updates to the modding documentation and the sample mods• Restored Left-click to move in options
  5. Ok, so you go into your install drive, eg: X:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Jagged Alliance 3\\ModTools\\Samples\\Mods Copy the 3 folders from there to: X:\\Users\\<YOUR PC LOG IN or NAME>\\AppData\\Roaming\\Jagged Alliance 3 You may have to create a folder called MODS (I did) so then you have X:\\Users\\<YOUR PC LOG IN or NAME>\\AppData\\Roaming\\Jagged Alliance 3\\Mods Just copy them to that folder and then in game go to Mods menu and activate
  6. I like the old man one, as my IMP is my usually my militia trainer/support toon with all the ‘body’ stats down at 30
  7. As per the twitch stream a week or so ago they are on holiday but will be releasing another patch soon, a big one, with the modding tools.
  8. Have the same issue. Completed the blood sample quest in that sector before properly engaging with her and now the old ones are at peach and I have a notification about voodoo that won’t go away.
  9. Waiting for a mod that lets us take control of them 🙂
  10. Wolf has some great comments too... The conversations between Raider and Raven about having dinner parties are funny!
  11. Increase effects of wounds and healing time. Make snipers require hire marksmanship AND dexterity to make them viable, plus high AP costs.
  12. Maybe reduce some of her other stats, her wisdom and mec are too high to not make her viable. I've not taken her on my 2nd playthrough and it's been considerable more challenging (fun).
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