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Descriptive Chance to hit

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I wonder what you think about this:

"This mod attempts to split the difference between "Visible CTH" and "Not visible CTH" by doing 2 things:
- Giving you a description of your chance to hit (Average, Likely, Highly likely, ...)
- Showing more pluses or minuses on the accuracy and damage modifiers based on the effect"

See screenshots at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005453998

Is it ok for true JA fans or still makes the game too easy?

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47 minutes ago, sandman25dcsss said:

I wonder what you think about this:

"This mod attempts to split the difference between "Visible CTH" and "Not visible CTH" by doing 2 things:
- Giving you a description of your chance to hit (Average, Likely, Highly likely, ...)
- Showing more pluses or minuses on the accuracy and damage modifiers based on the effect"

See screenshots at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005453998

Is it ok for true JA fans or still makes the game too easy?

That was a suggestion others and myself made when the CtH debate was at its highest. Some kind of vague indicator instead of a more precise percentage (which I never was in favour for).

Showing modifiers more clearly could also help understand the mechanics of the game for some. I suggested that on the weapon profile screen, that there should be greater clarification on whether a modification to a gun created a positive or negative effect, either by colour coding the text or having a coloured plus or minus in front of the text.

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Honestly, the game isn't really such a hard game, unecessary I find.

There are already so many hints on the screen with the meter for gun range, +/- info...


I think there should be a mode in the game to disable the hints actually.


But to each his own. I just figure it's best to always try the game the way it is intended before going into mods.

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46 minutes ago, GODSPEED said:

Honestly, the game isn't really such a hard game, unecessary I find.

There are already so many hints on the screen with the meter for gun range, +/- info...


I think there should be a mode in the game to disable the hints actually.


But to each his own. I just figure it's best to always try the game the way it is intended before going into mods.

I have just had a situation where my distance penalty was -539%, that was hilarious. Standard +/- info is more confusing than useful IMHO, this mod fixes it by showing many +/- instead of one if needed so you can actually compare modifiers.

Edited by sandman25dcsss
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1 minute ago, sandman25dcsss said:

I don't trust their lies. They say "I can hit it with closed eyes", and then I see the chance is just 60%, and they miss indeed

Yes they are sometimes optimistic, especially some average shooters. I just answered regarding impossible shots.

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8 minutes ago, Claudius33 said:

Yes they are sometimes optimistic, especially some average shooters. I just answered regarding impossible shots.

Maybe I am not careful player, but I don't hear anything when I am aiming with 0% CtH. Is there some delay? Also it is not fun to wait for English voice comments from Russian merc when you are playing Russian version. It would be especially bad if I didn't understand English.

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I'm not using the mod, with the vanilla game they usually say something. I agree that waiting for an English voice is not that convenient.

To the devs : May be the reticule should turn black for an impossible shot.

Edited by Claudius33
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Common sense. The amount of turn-based games I've played... is this your first turn-based tactical game?

If your reticule on the distance slider is way to the right, or too much to the left, you are outside the "optimal" aim distance.

I don't really know how to put this kindly... but the game is dead easy. I mean they provide so much more information than they did in JA1 and 2... and it's ALREADY an easier game. Not sure how or why you'd want to make it even easier. The game is already extremely well balanced even if you miss many shots.

You choose how you play.. but you aren't playing the "game".. you're playing the numbers. That must suck hard!

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Look, I'm honestly NOT trying to be insulting here. I am really really not..

I want to put this kindly, but no matter what, it comes off as being rude.. since you've entered these forums, you're main topic of conversation was about the CtH. Not sure how many posts you've written about it. Even a poll was created and showed how much no onw wants it. You argued and argued and said everyone's arguments are 💩...

Now, you have your mod and your CtH info... and you're still houding the forums about CtH.


I mean, common man!! What's your goal here, are you just here to troll or something?

The game is NOT MEANT TO BE PLAYED WITH NUMBERS! There are perks and situations that you aren't really supposed to "know" beforehand that will automatically cause a miss.

As an example, there is a perk (I went to take a screenshot for you, posted below), "Lightning Reactions", that causes a character to dodge the first successful attack against him/her. I don't play with the CtH mod, because this game isn't about numbers. But you should not "KNOW" before taking a shot that it is impossible to hit the enemy on that shot. If you know that, you are defeating the purpose of learning it when in action.


Anyways, look man, again, not trying to be insulting here, I'm not here to be abrasive with others, but you're going against the way the game is supposed to be played, you mod it to have a CtH, and then you still manage to come up with complaints.

It's a little infuriating.

On a more friendly note...

Yesterday I came across my first enemy who had this perk. I was like, "oh shit!!!!" lucky for me, Dr. Q was nearby, so the prone enemy got a good knockout. (Guess he saw it coming and decided to lie on the floor, he knew it was going to happen with Dr. Q so close by.. 🤣)

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