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DevDiary 8 - Quest Creation

THQN Roger

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An idea for a JA3 Elliot reference, maybe some other references that are humorous maybe:

Ironic references, so really unexpected out of character references for bad characters from JA2.

Example: Elliot's hospital for children or something, which by itself is very ironic and unexpected that he'd go from like a bad character in ja2 to like a benevolent philanthropist (though maybe that wont work out time line wise).

Or the mean lady who ran the factory, imagine she's still mean but like a local newspaper gives her an award for hunane treatment of workers and its clearly not humane or something, ccould be very funny.

Edited by ArulcoFan
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38 minutes ago, Wigen said:

@Gadina Do mercenaries talk to each other when they are not doing anything?

That's a very good question! I would like to know that as well. It really helps to bring characters to life if they communicate with each other when idle (not just reacting to each other). Baldur's Gate II did that so well, even more so with mods.

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In the streamer footage I saw, mercenaries would start up little conversations when out of battle, or even in the real-time portions of battle. Steroid and Grizzly had conversations, as did Grizzly and Fox.

Edited by Stuurminator
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17 hours ago, ArulcoFan said:

An idea for a JA3 Elliot reference

The provisional government of Grand Chien announces that there are no war criminals originating from Arulco or elsewhere. Such rumors are unfounded, exaggerated and absolutely not true

There isn't anyone in our archives with first or last name "Elliot".


As for the merc conversations - yes, we've got some!

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