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Everything posted by DougS2K

  1. I hope as well but I doubt it. I haven't even seen the devs acknowledge some of the issues like lack of magazines, inventory, etc.
  2. The last game I pre-ordered was Dayz which was about 10 years ago. I learned from that mistake and never pre-ordered again. However, I will be pre-ordering this as I feel there is a solid game here despite it's issues.
  3. Hard to rate it without playing the final product but I'd give it a 4/5. The inventory system, lack of magazines, crafting system, and some other choices like outfits and such are what prevent me from giving it a higher score. The inventory is just to basic for my tastes and I hate the crafting mechanic. Making weapon attachments and ammo from scrap just doesn't make sense and is not a fun mechanic. It also just seems a little to colourful and would prefer more military style outfits and actually seeing armor on characters.
  4. Yes, I would have definitely selected yes for this option. Bobby? Bobby, where are you?!?!
  5. I selected all that apply for me but the two options in the continued part should be ignored in general as it forces you to pick one or the other even if you don't want to select either of them.
  6. Good eye. Added it to the list.
  7. This is for water bladder like they said but was only really needed if you use food and water requirements option which I believe most people didn't.
  8. Kind of hard to take your comments seriously when you begin with insulting people. It just rubs people the wrong way and deters people from reading your posts or taking you seriously. Just because you don't like the new mercs the devs created, that doesn't say anything about their intelligence or work ethic. Maybe tone down the rudeness/assholeness a little, just sayin. Tell ya what, if your unhappy with the mercs in the game, after release why don't you make a mod and add a bunch of new mercs for us all to use?
  9. By not for everyone, I mainly meant all the customizable LBE gear. Some people don't want to get into all that however their were standard non-customizable variations so you point is valid. 1.13 wasn't really a "complicated" inventory, it just was expanded and more customizable than vanilla JA2.
  10. Thanks for the link with timestamp. I skimmed through a lot of the non-English speaking previews because, well, I can only speak English so I have no idea what they're saying. 😁 Possible I missed a lot as some of the previews were pretty long. Guess I could have used CC now that I think about it. I'll add Larry to the spreadsheet as that definitely looks like he's hirable. As for Lobo, I get the feeling that they were an IMP created merc like @LoboNocturno mentioned which is why I removed them the other day. On that note, I've started adding weapons and armor as well to the spreadsheet if anyone is interested. 😉 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14JcHKZscRWZ5onz2O_4hWE-K-_tHFPYtig4ppovH2n0/edit#gid=0 If anyone has info for other mercs or weapons not on the spreadsheet, leave a message at the following subreddit link and I'll add the info to the spreadsheet.
  11. I don't believe so but I could be wrong. I'm not really sure on the hireable mercs from the game world other than Smiley as he was in the devs streams in the past. I listed those mercs as RPC in my spreadsheet based on what others have said but have no real details on them.
  12. I think for question 2 it should be change back to JA2 should it not?
  13. I'm not sure the max amount per slot for 40mm grenades but all bullets are 500 per slot regardless of ammo caliber. Hand tossed grenades are 10 per slot. Have to look at some of the press release footage again to verify what 40mm grenades are per slot. God, I really hope they just add magazines and do away with the shared inventory at the very least. The more I think about shared inventory, the more I hate it. 😄
  14. I believe JA3 has a 10 items per slot no matter the item size or weight, excluding armor and weapons which are always 1 per slot of course. Ammo, meds, and scrap parts are 500 per slot but these are also shared inventory items so they have no inventory space needed or weight penalty at all since they magically float around with the Mercs I assume. 😁
  15. Exactly this. Makes no sense that there is no weight or size factor for items in the inventory.
  16. That makes sense and I agree with the dropping backpacks and putting full backpacks in backpacks. I actually forgot about these aspects but I wasn't a fan of these "features" either.
  17. Good point. I forgot about all the other little items in JA2. Sorting and sifting through all that was a bit of a pain. Couldn't agree more.
  18. What part about 1.13 is it that you don't like exactly? I know some people have said they don't like customizing chest rigs and such so I'm guessing maybe it's that but not sure.
  19. I've seen a lot of discussion about inventory over the past few months and while it's probably to late to make changes even if the devs were willing to, I'm curious what everyone thinks about the inventory system or which they prefer. Personally, I love the JA2 1.13 style but I know it's not for everyone. That being said, I really dislike the shared inventory for ammo and find it wildly unrealistic.
  20. Just waiting for my flight to Grand Chien. They'll never see me coming! 😁
  21. Ahhh I see now. Thanks for the info.
  22. Where exactly does this 20% discount info come from? I've heard this a few times now but haven't heard the source of it.
  23. This right here. Never understood why people pre order nowadays. I always wait till trusted reviewers get their hands on it and see what they say and watch a bunch of gameplay footage. I haven't heard about getting access early to the game if people pre order.
  24. $15??? LOL Your funny. I think it's current price is pretty fair all things considered.
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