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Everything posted by Lunokhod

  1. I dont know, but it feels like JA3 team: 2 coders, 2 3d artists, 1 2d artist(very lame guy) + Ian Currie as adviser + THQ manager. Other guys like voice actors, music/sound guys just not important, they have a very small role.
  2. Yea, correct, like JA3. ^__^
  3. Ofc i have money for videogame. I just try to say its too much for this game. 15$ price would bring a lot more sales. More players buy it - more stream, youtube videos, reviews - more customers. And everyone happy. Right now only fans of JA pay 3x price for themselves and 2 other ppl. Why? Okay, let it be 20$, but this is my last offer. Not enough work for 45$ price, i dont see it.
  4. Dont tell me what to do. I think im a part of this community, i will buy and play this game. I give alot of comments and feedback here and even if half of them with critics - its still better than nothing and ignoring this project, believe me. So better say thanks to me. And ure completely wrong if you think that 2,5 guys with negative reviews on this forum can ruin all sales, this is bullshit.
  5. Stop crying like a little baby. Its reality and its hurts. They should work like a dogs to make something successful. No one will kiss their asses only cos they owners of JA title right now. Welcome to the real world, son.
  6. No chance. Showgunners failed, Miasma Chronicles and JA3 will fail. Nobody cares about TBS in 2023. Not with THQ. They have no money to hire good dev team. Bro they have no money even for normal trailer for JA3...
  7. This. Fix it 100%, it looks very unprofessional. Especially for $45.
  8. Yes, its not a bug, but everything must be neatly. Geometrically correct and beautiful. Because its hurts eyes, designer should be ashamed of it.
  9. What? Dont get it. Yes, even russians can buy equipment with their own money. But JA3 mercs with 1000-3000$ payment per day cant.
  10. Clothes define personality? Where? In middle school? 100%. Military game with 0 mercs/enemies in helmets... what a joke. But we got guy in cowboy hat. ^__^
  11. No, selling weapons is a very bad idea, even knife, even for military videogame. I think will be better to get something like night vision binoculars, there is a lot of offers near 100$ instead of all of this garbage. I mean this is something, this is a toy, u can use it sometimes for fun.
  12. And right now its not a "miserable attempt to revive the series" in your mind? Interesting.
  13. @Image Miroir This is how 40$ game must look in 2023.
  14. Oh come on. "Looks great". Yes, its better then "rage" and "flashback". But its very simple to beat this projects, cos this is just awful games. Try to beat Aliens Dark Descent. 40$!!! 2023, release date this summer like JA3. Just take a look at pre-order trailers from Tindalos Aliens(40$) and Haemimonts JA3(45$). Do you see the difference?
  15. Nobody will do more guns and quests, the game already done. Bro they cant even make so simple things like one size icons. It looks messy, its not how serious people working, its not free fanart. U can say "unimportant details" about everything in this game. Animations - unimportant, visible armors - unimportant, story - unimportant, smart enemies - unimportant. Why price 45$ if everything unimportant?
  16. Yea, for 100 years... sure. They dont care about anything. They threw u a bone, cos they know game sucks and they need something to give u. "Yes, our game sucks, but its moddable". Thats what I mean. Thats what happens in reality. Just look at the Ian Currie face expression. I have the same when i look at this last trailer.
  17. Сan you at least make icons the same size? Something wrong with your eyes? Do it today, its like 1.5 hours of your time to make 40 icons. Mr "I want 45 dollas"...
  18. Oh please, it was horrible. And Im shocked by the 45$ price. Aliens Dark Descent 40$ btw...
  19. U can see her in trailer couple of times, she has big british flag on her chest.
  20. Btw saw my sis Scope for the first time in this new trailer. Want to say thanks for 3d artist... at least u didnt fail Scope.
  21. Он не об этом говорит, он бы хотел получить доступ к бете(которая уже прошла) став стримером. По факту фанатам надо чтобы THQ Nordic отстали от названия "JA". Пусть продадут его нормальным людям. Ага, х*ямповую. Абсолютно нечестно. И это не легендарная серия, это одна реально очень хорошая игра от Sir-Tech, вторая часть. Которая не заслуживает вот этого вот всего, то что сейчас происходит. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- И последнее, лично для тебя. На форуме обсуждение идёт на международном языке. И это не русский язык. Научись пользоваться хотя бы переводчиком. Ты ведешь себя неприлично. С какой стати кто-то должен переводить твои сообщения? Для них это как китайский для тебя.
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