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Jagged Alliance 3 - Your IMPs


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Anyhoo, here's my IMP. Daughter of a wealthy Egyptian man and a beautiful Grand Chienese woman who watched too many John Woo movies and paid for private dynamic shooting lessons. Then she heard the president of her mother's homeland was kidnapped and, in an extreme failure of judgment, figured that training was equivalent to actual battlefield experience. Her privileged upbringing means she's less miserly or cynical than the typical mercenary, but don't worry, she's a quick learner.

My first IMP was CQC/Night Ops, but when I decided to start a new run for various reasons, I noted how heavily that character relied on the "Run and Gun" ability and how little a difference the darkness penalty actually made, at least at the ranges I was fighting with that character.


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6 hours ago, Raeven said:

weapon jams

Yeah nah, this why mercs always carry a secondary. And skilled Mechainics do faster 100% gun repairs, and more successful modifications.  


Also mishaps are a thing in JA3, so if you want to play with grenades, better to have more explosives skill, not less. And throwing perk. 


With your A-Team, we're playing with a team of mercs, so don't need to be a Jack of all trades and Master of none. I think better to have a role, and be really good at it.


With your B-Team, do or hire whatever merc you like.

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On 7/16/2023 at 5:36 PM, marcinl0 said:

Maybe there is a way to add (promotion during gameplay etc.) useful BLUE TALENT to IMP.

I know of at least on modder who said he planned to add this as soon as possible. The custom IMP merc feels a bit too generic for my liking not only missing out on a (balanced) blue talent, but also not having a personality to speak of.

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