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Artificial Difficulty ruining tactics


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@GODSPEED: You don't get what I am saying. You want 99% of the core elements of JA2. I know me too and thats fine. JA2 is a masterpiece and the mechanics were great. I wish we had interrupts and that we could directly aim with the mouse at body parts or that the inventory would be more complex. I wrote hundreds of posts about that. But in the end we sadly won't get that and I wanted to point out that we still get a good game. You can now criticize all day and run in a circle but we discussed all your point here many times and in the end you won't get what you (we) wanted. Buy the game or leave it. It is your choice.

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You don't get to see all enemies on a map, as can be evidenced by someone panning over the map, then having his characters see enemies later. You can see all friendly characters and NPCs.

re: ambushing - according to the dev diary you can set overwatch cones ala Phoenix Point with all your mercs, take a shot with the last one, and if it ends up being noisy your other mercs will essentially spring an ambush while the other enemy troops are respositioning. That seems fine to me.

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On 7/6/2023 at 6:08 PM, GODSPEED said:

What is the point of releasing a game with the numbered version in it, if it's to re-invent it?

I see it as another release in a game-series. Can be a re-invention, a sequal or a prequal.

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The activation is pretty much the only concern I have for this game, but I'm glad the devs confirmed that is just a minor reorganization for balancing of the gameplay and not pod-activation like XCOM. Pod-activation in XCOM ruined the entire game for me.

Gonna be interesting to see how it actually feels like in play.

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19 hours ago, ninjalex said:

The activation is pretty much the only concern I have for this game, but I'm glad the devs confirmed that is just a minor reorganization for balancing of the gameplay and not pod-activation like XCOM. Pod-activation in XCOM ruined the entire game for me.

Gonna be interesting to see how it actually feels like in play.

They used the excuse of "balance" but that's just bizarre. It's as if they're downplaying the idea that superior tactics shouldn't win out. If I have a good idea of where an enemy is, and I know a fairly optimal approach to ambush them, why should they get a massive leeway when it didn't work like that in JA2 or real life? It's why ambushes are so incredibly dangerous: you hold the element of both surprise and superior position. Position HAS to matter. The scrambling at the beginning of combat is the absolute worst, xcom-y feature they've added to the game that I truly wish they didn't. Of EVERYTHING they've added to the game that I genuinely despise, this is the one thing I'd say HAS to come out.


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7 minutes ago, Raeven said:

They stated in a stream that you can interrupt the scramble turns with overwatch. Therefore ambushes are indeed a thing.

Even if true, why'd they move away from the "you see an enemy or they see you and combat immediately starts" system from JA2? What about that design philosophy irked the current devs THAT badly???

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4 minutes ago, Dr.Kuhn said:

Even if true, why'd they move away from the "you see an enemy or they see you and combat immediately starts" system from JA2? What about that design philosophy irked the current devs THAT badly???


Why not join the Twitch stream tomorrow and ask them 🙂

  • >>> Thursday, July 13th at 17:00 CEST / 11:00 AM EDT on the THQ Nordic channel: http://twitch.tv/thqnordic


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7 hours ago, D13 said:


Why not join the Twitch stream tomorrow and ask them 🙂

  • >>> Thursday, July 13th at 17:00 CEST / 11:00 AM EDT on the THQ Nordic channel: http://twitch.tv/thqnordic


Personally, I'd love to, but I'll be physically at work. I'll still keep an eye on it.

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