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Everything posted by Skaldy

  1. I was testing RNG because someone said here there is no RNG only skill issue and weapon/ammo drops dont effect play styles. So i basically made 20 runs in different difficulties. Same team composition, slight adjustments. After Ernie, i land to mainland at G6, ambush water carriers for the mine there and take the mine. Then clean all secret stashes for weapons between J8 and Fleatown, take the town and clean the map up to Refugee Camp, 10 of those runs i cleaned up to Poacher Camp. I stop there and take ammo count. Right now only thing working for me is using 2 mercs for combat and saving everyone else for bigger fights. Basically stopped using MG because it is overkill and wastes bullets. Long story short, if marauders and mg gunners drop ammo, this works. If not, 2 mercs can fight as long as it is not a 2+ squad battle. I just dont like i am limited to certain play style(stealth sniper and CQC stealth). I have money(around 100K) i have weapons. Ah also not defending towns fixes ammo drought dramatically.
  2. Thanks man! i just copy pasted it and asked chatGPT
  3. other dude asked, i didnt ask ☺️
  4. No, but given indie companies with less budget can produce better games.....
  5. to give you context: That guy i responded to made that claim about game being mil-sim. I just found it funny because whatever criticism you make here gets slammed into oblivion what i criticize: 10 lockpicks=5 mg42 in weight according to this game inventory logic. So, lol, he defends it.
  6. if it is not spoiler, can you tell me which sector or quest?
  7. I think game accounts for RNG to fail your shot anyway and hit friendlies. For example in Xenonauts, soldiers next to each other immediately adjust their aim if someone(even enemies) are next to them. Need to know if it is designed thinking about critical fails or just a bug
  8. Corporate Marketing and Management works in mysterious ways. 2 years waiting for this unfinished mess, meanwhile 2 indie companies pumped out better squad based tactical combat game.
  9. dude, 10 lockpicks=5 mg42, you will never have argument to justify it. You wanna add a cool feature? Armor rigs. Equipping armor provides +X inventory slots for mercs +%X increases squad inventory carry limit. GAME DESIGN! But no, we will discuss why you cant comprehend basic logic.
  10. dude, 10 lockpicks=5 mg42, you will never have argument to justify it, i will keep repeating this until you get the memo
  11. i agree with you but partially. For example Haunted Mansion ambush is not very good example BUT and it is a very big BUT, due to gear restrictions it can be strange encounter. I just threw smoke-tear gas and flashbang and mowed down those gangsters with ease. There are worse scripted events, for example scouting events are abysmal sometimes. Then again most people dont use most of these features sooo probably they didnt even notice how bad it is.
  12. i dont disagree with your motion about mods, in fact i think all you said should be part of custom difficulty choices. Game is very dry choice/mechanics wise otherwise.
  13. he is talking about SAT OP which you conduct from MAP menu.
  14. It is when you claim this is a mil-sim. As ex-mil i find it even funny. Dude, 10 lockpicks=5 mg42, you will never have argument to justify it. Game has many stupid, lazy mechanics, pick your battles. You cant DEFEND everything.
  15. lol, no it is not normal. You have zero arguments to justify this, even worse we are talking about inventory system
  16. Fox's tactical bikini DLC confirmed
  17. again, management is part of these titles. If you dont like it there is Xcom 2 and such others. They scrapped resource management part, they cut off inventory part. Shared inventory is one of the laziest mechanics in world. Tell me, who do you think should carry shared inventory for the group? Why i can carry 5 mg42s without getting encumbered but equipping ONE is way too heavy? Because entire system is after thought
  18. i wonder what did they add though? if they cant even do surface level core stuff, what did they do with development time
  19. kek, "modern" he says. I dont know what games you have played before but Diablo 1-2 uses this system. There is no sorting so very modern. 10 slot inventory can carry 10 lockpicks or 5 Ak47 or 10 heavy armor because they weight the same. Part of titles like this is inventory management. you cant literally justify this system.
  20. you are asking for smarter AI in general. Difficulty of this game is based on cheating AI and game cutting off your resources
  21. Dumbing down and cutting off game feautres and mechanics is not logical consequence, it is just lazy game development. Or maybe they are appealing for zoomers. Take your pick.
  22. you can also separate dynamite sticks and C4 from attached functions same way. For example C4 with timer+ wire cutter will give you timer and C4
  23. it would if players actually came together to make their favorite games better. Nowadays critical thinking is just minor inconvenience.
  24. we are already at "mods will fix it"?😂
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