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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I'm not sure what you meant by uncivil, could you perhaps clarify?
  2. Um...thats what I meant. I was parodying you. Do you understand what parody is? It just sounds like you're intentionally trying to misunderstand me, and then act surprised if I think you're attacking me. I can do the same to you. Can you elaborate by what you meant here?
  3. I dont need any feature. You dont need to see where the mercs are or where the enemy is. Just guess. lol That just sounds like a weak version of CTH and its still something we dont have. The streamers are a general audience member who is being indirectly paid to stream JA. Their "range" of what will be acceptable to them will be very wide. Also theyre literally paid to be upbeat and happy. You should be looking at whats happening on the steam forums if you want a real reflection of how people feel about something without trying to sound like a used car salesman trying to sell me the "CTH car"
  4. "crying about it repeatedly" Brother do you hear yourself. I dont have ill will towards you but I think you are the vocal minority who are telling themselves its all fine before the entire thing goes sideways. Remember Episode I. This is all starting to seem very familiar.
  5. Dont get me wrong. Maybe you werent lying. (And maybe you just had it on to test what Ian Currie etc were talking about, and maybe the NCTH variable is actually a reference to that ugly new UI cth which I also have turned off, I dont have JA installed to check, excuse me), but I think its safe to say that even if you're the outlier, most people are not.
  6. Yes. Look at the steam forums. There are more CTH posts than any other topic. There are also a lot of posts about it here. You can actually guess the likelihood of your shot in reslity becausethe gun sways and is not perfectly on target. Its entirely realistic, whats your next excuse that has nothing to do with it being a core feature of the genre and a core feature for good reason.
  7. For the same reason the developers wont admit its a mistake even as they face a full scale uprising on the forums. Their ego is dug in and they want it to succeed.
  8. Cool story. Theres definitely no way you couldve edited that in a few seconds earlier.
  9. Ask JA2 1.13. As soon as the userbase and modders got their hands on JA thisis the first thing they've implemented. Nobody complains about pixel hunting in JA2 1.13. They talk about how amazing it is.
  10. Almost every other message here for the last 4 weeks was about chance to hit. Go look at the steam forum. Theres a lot of sycophants on this forum who want JA to do well, even delusionally so. I personally am over trying to debate if chance to hit is valid or not. If you or the devs want JA to do well, you will follow my advice. Im tired of talking to people who cant see the facts right in front of them because theyre dug in, their egos are on the line, andtheyre not going to admit that this was a mistake until its been 5 years in the future. Some of us arent 12. Do you remember Star Wars episode I? Do you remember how delusional the fanbois were? And how they justified the movie long into the future, even as they themselves hated it? This is that moment. You admit that changes have to be made and these are the changes. Or you dig your head in the sand and pretend everything's fine until its not.
  11. I try to be reasonable, and the apologists come in. Punishing people with a lower difficulty for being smart enough to understand that showing hit chance is a core feature of the genre is a mistake.
  12. Because a part of me is a bit worried that the developers are in a tough position, they have no good option, either they tell the publishers that "yes hey we totally wasted everybodys time and money", or they go with the contentious design choice, maybe mistake depending who you ask, but then their userbase hates them. And maybe they dont even sell any copies because of it. But that shouldnt be a reason to not see reality or understand when a mistake is a mistake. A mistake is a mistake even if you spent an extra 5 months to make it. Or wasted 5 months to make it. Sunk cost fallacy. I worry that the developers may have gotten their egos involved and are unable to admit when a mistake is a mistake because it might make them look bad, which I understand. The point of a mistake is not to make one in the first place rather than trying to think of a way to get out of it or fix a very bad situation. But if they dont admit it then it might be even worse come release time. And fundamentally its not about 5 or 10 months wasted development. Its about producing the best strategy possible with the best features possible.
  13. Developers have landed themselves in a bit of a hot spot when it comes to chance to hit. So what do we do and where do we go from here? Because its going to be hard for them to rebalance JA all the way back to pre CTH change. but at the same time if they dont they're facing a total uprising from their community where their base audience is deeply upset (and thisis a niche title, if you dont make the core demographic happy who do you make happy and who is supposed to purchase the game?) So I have a simple way out of the situation. lets simply and calmly analyze any factors that lead to "pixelhunting" as the developers put it. and maybethink about if pixel hunting is a bad idea in the first place. And I'm sure we'll be able to find a solution to the "pixel-hunting" situation that doesnt include getting rid of CTH which has proven contentious, perhaps more contentious than even developers have forseen.
  14. i wouldnt call it fanatic...justdevelopers made a mistakethats all. will it cost them? who knows
  15. man therws a lot of defenders of the devs on this forum huh? i understand keeping your criticisms civil polite and neutral but this luthgaso guy is just reacting under all of your posts saying "sad" "sad" "sad". under dougs2ks comments too irrational and emotional defense is just as bad as vitriolic and irrational criticism.
  16. hello boian! i am a huge fan of the original ja2 as well i wish you luck in your project! please check in with us from time to time even though sometimes people might be mean thats how some people are unfortunately have a good day!
  17. i mean yes but if you remove the piece of information thats probably very important itd be bad no for example what if we played the game with a black screen that covers the combat. all of the enemies are still there but how can you see them. or more accurately lets say you removed stats from all items you had and you had no idea if a weapon was good or terrible. itd just add annoyance. same principle. people want to know with which percent success their action will have. otherwise its inherently annoying. its like if i removed your fuel meter and youd have no idea if you were emoty half empty or full. like "have fun!" try to figure it out. not sure it'd be a great decision.
  18. oh hi, i remember seeing you from the steam forums! i wonder why more accounts on here arent on steam its very strange. only you I remember seeing and lunokhod.
  19. oh no its the yeller, yelling (again) not really, steam has very tough to bypass verification checks to post on their forums, while here just about anybody can make an account. havent people already been banned for using socks? plus the idea that everything about original ja2 was better and should be maintained is clearly bad logic. the tone and essence should be maintained with the understanding that jagged alliance came out in the early period of computer games and as such missed a LOT of features that would become standard later. we dont blame homm3 for having 720x400 resolution and we dont expect the sequels to not modernize clearly outdated and overlooked or unfinished features like not showing chance to hit.
  20. i wouldnt say terrible Id say they can improve it for sure but generally i agree with a list of proposed changes somebody made earlier and i dont think inventory is a deal breaker jagged alliance seems to be moving in a more crpg direction which can be fine in some respects but in cases like their grit mechanic and perk system i think it can be revised
  21. Hi Fred! must be a friend of Martins I wager haha Another stream fan I approve
  22. sorry I mustve not seen them can you tell us what they are if you can?
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