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This Gane is not JA3


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English at the End


Ich habe vor Jahren Jagged Alliance 2 gespielt und es immer wieder mal herausgekramt. Dann erschien JA3 und ich habe mich total darauf gefreut. Nachdem es nun veröffentlicht wurde und ein riesen Hype darum entbrannt ist, gibt es auch einige Sachen die nicht so toll sind.
Was habt Ihr mit dem Inventarsystem verbrochen ? Warum können die Söldner nur drei Ausrüstungsteile (Kopf, Brust, Beine) tragen ? Wo sind die Slots für Nachtsicht (besetzt in JA3 den Helm Slot) Kopfhörer, Gasmaske usw.  ?  Kann man seit neustem keinen Helm mehr tragen wenn man ein Nachtsichtgerät verwendet ? Was habt ihr mit den Magazinen gemacht ??? Den Aufbau des Inventars finde ich auch unglücklich gewählt und sehr unübersichtlich. Der War in JA2 OK, hatte auch Fehler, aber in JA3 seit Ihr komplett daran vorbei. Man kann einem Söldner, sofern er genug platz im Rucksack hat, vier Schwere MG reinpacken und er hüpft fröhlich und schwerelos über die Wiese und verbraucht nicht mal Ausdauer, zumindest sehe ich keine Anzeige dafür. Waffen, Ausrüstung und Munition kann man scheinbar auch nicht mehr kaufen wie in JA2, oder ich habe es noch nicht entdeckt. 
Grafik Design usw. sind super, aber die Dinge die JA2 ausgemacht haben habt Ihr leider nicht in allen Punkten übernommen. 
Warum sind meine Waffenerweiterungen weg wenn ich eine neue montiere ? Was soll der Scheiss ???
Warum muss ich nach einem Marschbefehl ganz schnell Pause drücken damit ich einen zweiten Trupp mitschicken kann ?
Warum gibt es keine anständige Paperdoll mit Ausrüstungsslots mit mehr als drei Gegenständen ?
Warum haben die Waffen keine Magazine mehr nötig in die ich die Munition, auch gemischt, laden kann die ich will ?

Für echte JA2 Fans ist das was in JA3 geboten wird zu wenig !!!!!! Hübsche Grafik gut und schön, aber in JA2 war es die Taktik und das stundenlange herumfummeln an der Ausrüstung was es zu dem gemacht hat was es ist, einmalig. Davon ist JA3, obwohl ich mich so sehr darauf gefreut habe, noch Meilen entfernt, leider !

Daher kann ich es, zur Zeit, weder empfehlen noch davon abraten. Es ist jetzt nur irgendein Spiel.



I played Jagged Alliance 2 years ago and kept digging it up.
Then JA3 came out and I was really looking forward to it.
Now that it's been released and a lot of hype has broken out
about it, there are also some things that aren't that great.

What have you done with the inventory system? Why can the 
mercenaries only wear three pieces of gear (head, chest, legs)?
Where are the slots for night vision (occupies the helmet slot in JA3)
headphones, gas mask, etc.? Is it recently no longer possible to wear
a helmet when using night vision goggles?
What did you do with the magazines??? I also find the structure of the
inventory unfortunate and very confusing. It was OK in JA2, also had 
errors, but in JA3 you've completely passed it. You can pack four 
heavy machine guns into a mercenary, as long as he has enough space 
in his backpack, and he hops happily and weightlessly across the meadow
and doesn't even use up any stamina, at least I don't see any ads for it. 
Weapons, equipment and ammunition also don't seem to be available for 
purchase like they were in JA2, or I haven't discovered it yet.
Graphic design etc. are great, but unfortunately you didn't adopt all of 
the things that made JA2 stand out.
Why are my weapon upgrades gone when I mount a new one? What the fuck ???
Why do I have to press pause very quickly after a marching order so that
I can send a second squad along?
Why isn't there a decent paperdoll with equipment slots with more than
three items?
Why do the weapons no longer need magazines in which I can load the 
ammunition I want, even mixed?

For real JA2 fans what is offered in JA3 is not enough !!!!!!
Pretty graphics are all well and good, but in JA2 it was the 
tactics and hours of fiddling with gear that made it what it is,

JA3 is still miles away from that, although I was looking forward to
it so much, unfortunately!

Therefore, I can neither recommend nor advise against it at this time.
It's just a game now.
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Yes, there are really necessary urgent changes - please see JA3 patch needed - urgent

this is why we waited patiently for almost thirty years from the brilliant JA2 (not counting the tragically poor continuation attempts, only BIA I wanted to play) to get a REALLY worthy successor that retains the unique atmosphere of the timeless original JA series (JA JA2 JA2.5) and everything good in the JA series - since the title says JA3 - but it obliges...
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56 minutes ago, Scent_mg said:

Pretty graphics are all well and good, but in JA2 it was the tactics and hours of fiddling with gear that made it what it is, unique.

Uhm, I don't think I played the same game as you, because very rarely was hours of fiddling with gear necessary. Unless you're talking about the 1.13 mod that made the inventory and gear system incredibly convoluted and complex, then you're playing a different game than JA2.

The developers had one vision for the game, which everyone could enjoy, and the opted for incredible level of modding, so people who have these preferences can get the game they imagined down the line.

I mean, if your MAIN CRITIQUE of a game is that you can't spend hours nit-picking on gear then I think the developers should be pretty happy.


This game is a bit simpler than JA2, and you can be disappointed about that (I am) but it's true both in gameplay and in spirit.

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It's such a disappointment to be honest, both as a sequel to JA2 but also as a new game in general.

Game should been in early access for at least 6 months or had a lot more in house testing because there are a lot of downright mind boggling design choices and lack of fine tuning.

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Before the premiere, it was enough to let the fans of the JA series - play the "alpha" of JA3 more, 
read the suggestions more and work a little longer on JA3 - 
at most the release date would be, for example, August 14 in a month - 
and then release a really polished game in the basic elements of the 
JA series from immediately deserving of the name of excellent - not 
to release "BETA" JA3 as soon as possible. 
Result: now we have to (as usual) wait for "quick" patches and mods right away...


Edited by marcinl0
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3 hours ago, Scent_mg said:

English at the End


Ich habe vor Jahren Jagged Alliance 2 gespielt und es immer wieder mal herausgekramt. Dann erschien JA3 und ich habe mich total darauf gefreut. Nachdem es nun veröffentlicht wurde und ein riesen Hype darum entbrannt ist, gibt es auch einige Sachen die nicht so toll sind.
Was habt Ihr mit dem Inventarsystem verbrochen ? Warum können die Söldner nur drei Ausrüstungsteile (Kopf, Brust, Beine) tragen ? Wo sind die Slots für Nachtsicht (besetzt in JA3 den Helm Slot) Kopfhörer, Gasmaske usw.  ?  Kann man seit neustem keinen Helm mehr tragen wenn man ein Nachtsichtgerät verwendet ? Was habt ihr mit den Magazinen gemacht ??? Den Aufbau des Inventars finde ich auch unglücklich gewählt und sehr unübersichtlich. Der War in JA2 OK, hatte auch Fehler, aber in JA3 seit Ihr komplett daran vorbei. Man kann einem Söldner, sofern er genug platz im Rucksack hat, vier Schwere MG reinpacken und er hüpft fröhlich und schwerelos über die Wiese und verbraucht nicht mal Ausdauer, zumindest sehe ich keine Anzeige dafür. Waffen, Ausrüstung und Munition kann man scheinbar auch nicht mehr kaufen wie in JA2, oder ich habe es noch nicht entdeckt. 
Grafik Design usw. sind super, aber die Dinge die JA2 ausgemacht haben habt Ihr leider nicht in allen Punkten übernommen. 
Warum sind meine Waffenerweiterungen weg wenn ich eine neue montiere ? Was soll der Scheiss ???
Warum muss ich nach einem Marschbefehl ganz schnell Pause drücken damit ich einen zweiten Trupp mitschicken kann ?
Warum gibt es keine anständige Paperdoll mit Ausrüstungsslots mit mehr als drei Gegenständen ?
Warum haben die Waffen keine Magazine mehr nötig in die ich die Munition, auch gemischt, laden kann die ich will ?

Für echte JA2 Fans ist das was in JA3 geboten wird zu wenig !!!!!! Hübsche Grafik gut und schön, aber in JA2 war es die Taktik und das stundenlange herumfummeln an der Ausrüstung was es zu dem gemacht hat was es ist, einmalig. Davon ist JA3, obwohl ich mich so sehr darauf gefreut habe, noch Meilen entfernt, leider !

Daher kann ich es, zur Zeit, weder empfehlen noch davon abraten. Es ist jetzt nur irgendein Spiel.



I played Jagged Alliance 2 years ago and kept digging it up.
Then JA3 came out and I was really looking forward to it.
Now that it's been released and a lot of hype has broken out
about it, there are also some things that aren't that great.

What have you done with the inventory system? Why can the 
mercenaries only wear three pieces of gear (head, chest, legs)?
Where are the slots for night vision (occupies the helmet slot in JA3)
headphones, gas mask, etc.? Is it recently no longer possible to wear
a helmet when using night vision goggles?
What did you do with the magazines??? I also find the structure of the
inventory unfortunate and very confusing. It was OK in JA2, also had 
errors, but in JA3 you've completely passed it. You can pack four 
heavy machine guns into a mercenary, as long as he has enough space 
in his backpack, and he hops happily and weightlessly across the meadow
and doesn't even use up any stamina, at least I don't see any ads for it. 
Weapons, equipment and ammunition also don't seem to be available for 
purchase like they were in JA2, or I haven't discovered it yet.
Graphic design etc. are great, but unfortunately you didn't adopt all of 
the things that made JA2 stand out.
Why are my weapon upgrades gone when I mount a new one? What the fuck ???
Why do I have to press pause very quickly after a marching order so that
I can send a second squad along?
Why isn't there a decent paperdoll with equipment slots with more than
three items?
Why do the weapons no longer need magazines in which I can load the 
ammunition I want, even mixed?

For real JA2 fans what is offered in JA3 is not enough !!!!!!
Pretty graphics are all well and good, but in JA2 it was the 
tactics and hours of fiddling with gear that made it what it is,

JA3 is still miles away from that, although I was looking forward to
it so much, unfortunately!

Therefore, I can neither recommend nor advise against it at this time.
It's just a game now.

Finger dich mal rein. Es ist schon sehr spannend insbesondere die Kämpfe. Beim Inventar und seiner Verwaltung gibt es aber in der Tat größere Defizite. Allerdings konnte man sich auch schon bei JA2 Stunden damit beschäftigen dort Ordnung zu halten. Besonders schade finde ich, dass es keine Feldflaschen mehr zu schnellen Erholung gibt, wenn einem Söldner mal die Puste weggeblieben ist und auch dass es nicht mehr diese drei übersichtlichen Anzeigensäulen für Action, Puste und Gesundheit gibt.

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If you would have checked the dev diaries and forums beforehand you would have known what to expect. I'm sure the German previews also described and showed how the game was. This way you could have lowered your expectations.

Or they should have released a demo. Although I don't think THQNordic would have wanted to waste resources on something that would just result in lower sales.

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5 hours ago, ninjalex said:

Uhm, I don't think I played the same game as you, because very rarely was hours of fiddling with gear necessary. Unless you're talking about the 1.13 mod that made the inventory and gear system incredibly convoluted and complex, then you're playing a different game than JA2.

The developers had one vision for the game, which everyone could enjoy, and the opted for incredible level of modding, so people who have these preferences can get the game they imagined down the line.

I mean, if your MAIN CRITIQUE of a game is that you can't spend hours nit-picking on gear then I think the developers should be pretty happy.


This game is a bit simpler than JA2, and you can be disappointed about that (I am) but it's true both in gameplay and in spirit.

Last time I played JA2 was about 3 years ago.  And I remember the inventory system was modded in this way.  I LOVED it, but it WAS a mod.  It'd be nice if we get another mod like it for JA3.

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I think you might be confusing JA2 with JA2 1.13 (the mod).

Weapon mods in JA2 (base game) were few and far between. Most of them were actually permanent mods that you could not remove, like the extended barrel. Though it was fun when both the mod and the weapon had low durability and the barrel would literally explode and be removed from the weapon. JA2 1.13 introduced a whole new system for weapon stats and weapon mods. It changed also the interface used for those. In JA3 you can "craft" your weapon mods and I think for balance reasons, they do not allow you disassemble your installed mods first. This is a valid point for improvement if you want to make the game easier.


You could not have custom-loaded magazines in JA2 (base game). While their depiction in the inventory was great for roleplay, from gameplay point-of-view there were not real magazines. Once you spent the last bullet from one, it would quite literally disappear into thin air. Same goes for combining magazines - you were able to take two or more assault rifle magazines, put them into a machinegun (not possible in real life) and then unload the machinegun - voilà, now you have a 75-100 round machinegun magazine for better storage. The reverse was even more bizarre - you could load a SMG directly fron the box magazine used for a machinegun.

This is basically the same system in JA3 - the game counts bullets, not magazines. It is streamlined to limit the inventory tetris and stock-keeping that would eat from your time in JA2, and especially in JA2 1.13. I can appreciate that you like micromanagement, but that part of the game was not universally enjoyed and I actually like the shared squad storage for ammo.

I would enjoy having to custom-load your weapon in the future though. 🙂

Edited by Melliores
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