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  1. The Refugee Camp, Chalet de la Paix, and to a lesser extent the Mansion are all just really unhealthy for the game. I get that the devs wanted to put some narrative stuff in there, but in these cases they've removed the strategy element of the game and replaced it with savescum-style metagaming because you need to know that these scripted battles will occur and position your squad and plan accordingly. It's no fault of the player that they find themselves in these scenarios since the game doesn't give you much of a choice and frankly these battles are not interesting, fun, or challenging once you know how they work.
  2. Low morale causes a chance to Panic or Berserk.
  3. I mean, it's very much a Hollywood thing that frag grenades blast people into the air and stuff. But then this is in a game based on action movie tropes with cars exploding all over, so I'm not sure what they should do. I'm fine with them now though.
  4. Her interaction with Buns after they complete a fight together is hilarious.
  5. Pantagruel? Make sure they are blue and not grey. The commies own those sectors.
  6. JA2's weapon progression sucked. Solaris_Wave above said it best: pistols gave way to SMGs which gave way to ARs, etc. with the previous type becoming obsolete.
  7. Umm...you've never seen militia run one by one out in the open to shoot at enemies 20 tiles away with pistols? 😄
  8. What I meant by 'Fidel is extreme' is that he refuses to re-sign. Meltdown will ask for more money. I guess I shouldn't have said 'all psychos' since Nails doesn't care. See here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007594221
  9. Works fine for me. Oh, I see you're in real-time mode in the screenshot. Yeah, there are tons of bugs in real-time mode compared to turn-based. Quick prism scope only applies when you start your turn in turn-based mode. I'm sure it can be fixed for real-time mode, but....yeah.
  10. The challenge is the UI. It becomes totally non-responsive during certain actions and is designed for a turn-based game. Using it for an RTS that requires micro-ing individual units like a zerg master in Starcraft is sadism.
  11. It's the same with all psychos, although Fidel's is extreme.
  12. Another bug caused the same problem causing the Claustrophobia bug as reported by audaki-ra in Discord (and the devs responded to): Some mercs like Igor learn to like other mercs like Kalyna for a permanent morale bonus when together, but this happens in combat so when it copies the effects over (like it does for Wounded, Claustrophobic, etc.) it also removes that the mercs like each other. But I guess someone will tell me that's not really a bug either and they should only learn to like each other during combat and promptly forget that they like someone, completely different from all other JA games.
  13. That's a mod using dev tools. Active pause mod also freezes the game when you pause during cutscenes. It's a bit janky which is why we're asking for a real solution from the developers. You have this idea that any kind of pausing in real-time mode will fundamentally break the game no matter how it's implemented so we all need to suffer.
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