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Everything posted by mrflagio

  1. The Refugee Camp, Chalet de la Paix, and to a lesser extent the Mansion are all just really unhealthy for the game. I get that the devs wanted to put some narrative stuff in there, but in these cases they've removed the strategy element of the game and replaced it with savescum-style metagaming because you need to know that these scripted battles will occur and position your squad and plan accordingly. It's no fault of the player that they find themselves in these scenarios since the game doesn't give you much of a choice and frankly these battles are not interesting, fun, or challenging once you know how they work.
  2. Low morale causes a chance to Panic or Berserk.
  3. I mean, it's very much a Hollywood thing that frag grenades blast people into the air and stuff. But then this is in a game based on action movie tropes with cars exploding all over, so I'm not sure what they should do. I'm fine with them now though.
  4. Her interaction with Buns after they complete a fight together is hilarious.
  5. Pantagruel? Make sure they are blue and not grey. The commies own those sectors.
  6. JA2's weapon progression sucked. Solaris_Wave above said it best: pistols gave way to SMGs which gave way to ARs, etc. with the previous type becoming obsolete.
  7. Umm...you've never seen militia run one by one out in the open to shoot at enemies 20 tiles away with pistols? 😄
  8. What I meant by 'Fidel is extreme' is that he refuses to re-sign. Meltdown will ask for more money. I guess I shouldn't have said 'all psychos' since Nails doesn't care. See here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007594221
  9. Works fine for me. Oh, I see you're in real-time mode in the screenshot. Yeah, there are tons of bugs in real-time mode compared to turn-based. Quick prism scope only applies when you start your turn in turn-based mode. I'm sure it can be fixed for real-time mode, but....yeah.
  10. The challenge is the UI. It becomes totally non-responsive during certain actions and is designed for a turn-based game. Using it for an RTS that requires micro-ing individual units like a zerg master in Starcraft is sadism.
  11. It's the same with all psychos, although Fidel's is extreme.
  12. Another bug caused the same problem causing the Claustrophobia bug as reported by audaki-ra in Discord (and the devs responded to): Some mercs like Igor learn to like other mercs like Kalyna for a permanent morale bonus when together, but this happens in combat so when it copies the effects over (like it does for Wounded, Claustrophobic, etc.) it also removes that the mercs like each other. But I guess someone will tell me that's not really a bug either and they should only learn to like each other during combat and promptly forget that they like someone, completely different from all other JA games.
  13. That's a mod using dev tools. Active pause mod also freezes the game when you pause during cutscenes. It's a bit janky which is why we're asking for a real solution from the developers. You have this idea that any kind of pausing in real-time mode will fundamentally break the game no matter how it's implemented so we all need to suffer.
  14. It selects only mercs in the current selected squad. It also doesn't help me when I want one person to get on a roof and another to flank and another to close in and another to set up overwatch.
  15. Yeah, when the tooltips and the debug code both say that this should only apply to underground sectors I guess that really means that it should apply for the month after too. You're being disingenuous here.
  16. So we should suffer with a non-responsive UI and goofy real-time mechanics as well as twitch-based gameplay in a turn-based game because why? And you can't set up 6 synchronized stealth kills. Stop it already. The game is strictly worse without active pause. The bottom bar UI hides itself, mercs don't respond to being selected, there is no minimap, insufficient hotkeys, the indicator for being spotted is hidden based on camera pan, it's not shown in the sidebar at all for unselected squads, animations have a hidden wonky windup time, movement isn't obvious, etc. And that's without mentioning that this isn't just related to stealth kills. When the enemy squad enters a sector and I deploy and want to run to defensive positions I need to click on each merc and send them to their positions almost simultaneously. I'm not a 400APM Starcraft pro and that's why I play turn-based games. This isn't balance stuff, this is QOL (and sanity) stuff.
  17. Cool, play as you like, but don't go around telling people they're basically using exploits for using a bugfix mod for a known bug.
  18. Anyway, the bug that causes Claustrophobia and other status effects to persists also causes other issues as I pointed out (bonus health when going into/out of underground sectors, overwatch attacks refreshing, etc.). They're bugs unless you also think those things are intended.
  19. Devs disagree based on code and tooltips. If this bug weren't there, would you really think Claustrophobic should give a near-permanent morale debuff that can be totally circumvented by just splitting squads and/or a total noob trap whereby a merc looks at some rifles in a grave and enters The Rust bunker and now has Steroid-level AP and new players have no idea why -- or even that they do?
  20. Because the teams they tested it with didn't include Raider. The base game feels fine when you're traveling with Kalyna and Hitman for example (the number on the UI indicating the speed boost intended closely matches the real speed boost) but the nature of the calculation is that the travel speed tends to infinity as leadership increases, so someone like Raider with 91 leadership is way faster than Hitman with 57. It's not linear. I'm guessing they copied and pasted the operation time reduction calculations from other parts of the code but didn't account for the fact that speed calculations have time in the denominator (distance/time).
  21. It's actually a bug. The code was overwriting changes to unit data from changing the map. The debug statements in the code even said that the effect was removed when the map changed, but then the unit data from satellite view was copied back over I believe. The mod actually makes things harder anyway since it also no longer allows you to have bonus AP from stuff like Proud for longer than a day which is what was intended from the code. There are other bugs related to this: - If an enemy (or maybe mercs too?) use all their overwatch attacks with an MG and you go to satellite view and back again, it will refresh all their attacks. - When you have a status effect and move maps, the game will remove your status effects and then re-add them. For wounds this causes a bug/exploit since when wounds are removed you have a chance to raise Health, so you can go into and out of an underground area repeatedly while wounded to level up Health.
  22. Longer IMP Names is mandatory for people who like their IMP names to be formatted like other mercs 🙂
  23. Leadership for travel is actually bugged. 85 leadership is actually like 300% faster. It needs to be fixed...they did the math wrong. Instead of making mercs travel x% faster, they actually made the time it takes to move x% less, so the result is that instead of Raider (91 leadership) moving at +66% speed, he instead has to travel 66% less time, meaning his true speed is 1/(1-0.66) or around 300% over base. It warps the game and there's a mod for it on the Steam Workshop that addresses the travel speed bug.
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