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Rate the game.


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22 hours ago, Povok said:

If you want to keep Magic with a hat, this is something more like him:


Aware, focused, in control, lethal.

That's better.. But I was more thinking about:

1: Laurence Fishburne (pretty damn sure they used his portrait as a reference in early JA 😄 )
2: Samuel L. Jackson.

Imagine these portraits with the original voice acting and you got a 100% match.

2023-06-08 09_43_00-Laurence Fishburne.png

2023-06-08 09_48_55-samual l jackson.png

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6 hours ago, Hendrix said:


From the viewpoint that this is a Jagged Alliance game 5/10. The style is simply too much "happy-go-lucky" and I didn't even count the fact they turned Grizzly into Hurk.

From my own perspective, I've been doing everything to AVOID learning more about the game, because when I play it. I want to be as free from bias as I possibly can.

It's really hard to get my mind wrapped around the style they chose in comparison with the more "serious" tone of the oldies. Also, as you mentioned, quite a few choices that we're made still puzzle me.

To me, the areas that I agree with a 5/10 would be concerning things like inventory, colour palette, "crafting".. those - to me - already feel like a little bit of a downer.

On the other hand, if they can make questing, maps and gameworld interesting and feel lived-in, the score can easily be elevated to a 7.

While the plan to add modding down the line is cool.. I mean, that can go ANY way. Will the game be good enough that we will get more in-depth inventory/gear like backpacks, pouches, modular equipment? Only time will tell, so I cannot really count modding as something that I can help to rate the game.

Back in Action had a few "mods", but they lacked depth, so didn't really help that game all that much.

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12 hours ago, Hendrix said:


From the 12'ish hours of gameplay I have seen, I would rate this game in 2 different ways.

From the viewpoint that this is a tactical turnbased game, I would say 7/10, could be a 8/10 with expanded features.

From the viewpoint that this is a Jagged Alliance game 5/10. The style is simply too much "happy-go-lucky" and I didn't even count the fact they turned Grizzly into Hurk.


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