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Everything posted by GODSPEED

  1. Honestly, I want to see the ACTUAL direction they chose to take for this game. I know I've had this conversation with a few friends here, and while some are ok with the game being closer to modern xcom, I am opposed to that concept. I just want to be able to put my expectations where they should be. Will we have perk-like abilities (throwing two grenades kinf of BS) or will we have something way less restrictive like original JA? Sure I am anxious to see what the graphics will be like; but from Haemimont Games, I'm not worried in the looks department (if it's anything like Surviving Mars, it'll look good). All I want at this point, is to see the MECHANICS of the game. I honestly don't even care about the roster, and because of cultural differences, I have no expectations about the type of humour like Jagged Alliance 2.
  2. I also don't expect the game for 2022 or 2023. I think a few months ago, I was expecting or thinking mid 2023.. but yeah, not anymore. This morning I saw this (below) on YouTube. The VERY short 'snippet' they show of Jagged Alliance 3 is a fraction of the CGI video they showed us at reveal. While I know VERY little of game development in general, it -slightly- worried me that in over 6 months, they still only show the CGI part. No gameplay. Maybe it is because they decided to rework the gameplay part after all our whining? ๐Ÿ˜‚ (if it is like in a dream and it actually is the case, then seriously.. I will buy the game twice and gift myself a few more copies as well.. ๐Ÿคฃ).
  3. Thank you @Wigen! Sincerely, I appreciate the time you take to relay back to us the information you gather. I don't follow much social or discussion places.. and I always look forward to whatever information you provide here. ๐Ÿป I think they should hire you to help them out, because you do a great job at it ๐Ÿ™‚ With that information you mention, I'm happy to hear they are working hard on this. Gives a little bit of hope... although, it's like you mentionned; how hard can it be to simply give this information on their own official community website? Ah well, it is what it is. They probably figure a single word here will start a worldwide revolution (because we are such hardcore fans).
  4. That's an interesting idea. I wonder how the development of Surviving Mars went (HG+Paradox). Anyone followed that one? To be honest, I never really join a community for a game; I usually only follow normal updates through e-mail subscription and on Youtube or basic Facebook posts. This is probably the first I've been active on a "forum" since early days of the Bears Pit for JA2 modding guides and information.
  5. Isn't Clear and Present Danger with Harrison Ford? I do like that era of action movie. They we're a little over the top, but not like todays over-the-top stuff... that is REALLY over-the-top. I don't know if you even understand what I mean, oh well. ๐Ÿ˜… I really like those other movies you mentionned. Sure they are action movies, but they have less of a "Hollywood" feel than like Tears of The Sun (although I sort of liked it too). I'll have to dig up the names, but at one point I did watch a few very good Korean and Chinese war/political movies in those types (I don't mind subtitles).
  6. Yeah, that's kind of the way I should have worded it initially. This isn't so much about not getting updates on the game itself, and more about this place being pretty much empty of those who created it.. and what they said this place would be like. As much as I really like everyone else here, the initial reason I joined was so that I could interact with the devs and share my thoughts. This is THEIR invitation and original post:
  7. I wouldn't take things THAT far really. I didn't give them a penny yet and my time here is time I actually enjoy sharing with other fellow Jagged Alliance enthusiasts. The people here we constantly share with are awesome people with a passion for the same game, I do not see it as a waste of time. I come to this site a few times a week simply to see what others are talking about and sharing. I would expect any official information to come by the means of a video (YouTube) or social website update (Facebook, Twitter, etc..). I have not fallen into that camp of completely thinking the game is dead, because a company would not waste money keeping a community site up and running for a dead game that was cancelled. I simply believe there was miscommunication between the different branches and this section was "forgotten". Honestly, 7 months of silence after a game is announced isn't that "rare". I keep refering to Bethesda games, because I've been following some of their releases pretty closely, but Starfield was announced years ago and we didn't hear a word for over a year after it was teased. Same for Elder Scrolls VI. Why I think it is frustrating in this case, is because when they announced the game, they seemed to already have some gameplay footage and cutscene CGI pretty well done. It gives the impression of being in mid or final stage of development. If you've followed many of our posts and banter here, you'll also realize most of us have our own thoughts about the footage they showed, from feeling like this will maybe fail like every attempt before.. so I do not think it is false hope keeping us here. Simply an interest, an enthusiasm to see somethign succeed, or at least see where it goes. If the project was put on hold, or cancelled, well... so be it! For the moment, we wait and see. In any case, I keep coming back here mainly because I enjoy this community!
  8. Thanks guys! Maybe, as you guys point it out, this isn't Haemimont Games' fault. Maybe they are under strict orders to keep it 'zipped'. In any case, this silence, just doesn't feel right at all. I'm glad you guys could share some of your input here, it helps me see some ways of seeing the situation I haven't really thought of. I mean, I don't have the same background and 'culture' as some of you here, in terms of big corporations and such. But having such a strong disconnect is odd. I mean, I would figure if you have a "big" project you were working on, you would have some updates to provide to the world even if not much, just at least to keep hopes, hype and interest. To this effect, I appreciate that a game takes years to develop. But this is one of the things I really appreciate Bethesda for. I also have to make it clear, I realize we cannot 'compare' studios, as they have different methods. Bethesda are in no way a perfect studio, but if I take for example Starfield; it's already been announced quite some time ago!! But they have released little bit of info here and there. They make some community videos where they simply talk about some of the features they like working on. They tease us with tiny clips. While I'm not one who likes "overhype", I do appreciate getting some information every now and then. Keeps my interest, keeps my expectations in check, gives me little bits of info, etc.. Haemimont Games do videos and other events, so they must have a team that takes input who can push for whoever is in charge. So I'm going to try and post comments concerning the situation whenever I see a YouTube or Facebook post from them. Maybe at some point a message will get through.
  9. Guys, I'm pretty certain many of you are pretty tired of the dead silence. How many of us have joined this forum day one, or within a few weeks? ...and there has litteraly not even been a SINGLE communication from the devs, publishers or anything. This is THEIR community website THEY opened. We joined it... and well, they decide to go dead quiet!? It isn't like we're not trying to keep it alive! So far, every one here has been super cool. I've met fans and ppl I can somehow feel like I have become acquainted with. This is a super friendly place, all of us have been extremely mature in our conversations. No flaming, no wars, no insulting. We haven't even needed moderators or anything. It's really awesome to chat with fellow fans from around the world.. but I feel this community is seriously lacking one MAJOR thing; INPUT FROM WHOEVER IS WORKING ON JAGGED ALLIANCE 3! Anyways, I went to Haemimont Games facebook and posted a comment about this on their last post. And I am not here to want to start a "revolution", but I feel like just keeping quiet won't change anything.. so if anyone else is also inclined, it might be time to voice our concerns on their DEAD SILENCE any way we can. I'd rather hear they dropped the game than hear nothing.

    April Fools'?

    April Fool's jokes using the world situation would not sound so much out of line considering the sense of humour Jagged Alliance is known for... but somehow, part of me thinks these kinds of "jokes" don't work so well in this "woke" world of crap where if you say the wrong joke, you lose your job. Maybe the article is a joke. I would certainly hope so, because if they cancel (or put an entire game on hold) with the explanation being Ivan.. that is absolute BS and they were never even serious about the game in the first place. Anyways, as @Hendrix mentionned: I agreee fullheartedly! Ivan is a character in a video game, he is of Russian culture and was a soldier and now a mercenary. Having him in a game doesn't make you a supporter of the war or the choices and morality that a leader of a nation has imposed on its people. If in ANY case, the game, character or anything is changed because of real-world political situations, I'm sorry, but that is a sign of pandering to public opinion. ... but I am not surprised ... Every big corporation has to jump on the bandwagon of banning eveything Russian, right? Because Russians are evil bad people. What bs hipocrisy! I love my Russian brothers and sister as much as my Ukranian brothers and sisters... as much as any other culture or person. -PS- Apologies for a long-winded rant. I needed to let it out.
  11. I don't remember seeing that. Make sure it is version 1.1.37 If you can confirm it is the right version, try the 3 files from any of the folders. Test the game, if no improvement, delete those and try the other folder. Let me know if it doesn't work.
  12. 1. a pretty good-looking game that I need to try! 2. another Strategy game, not as good as THIS one. 3. too much for me to think about at the moment. 4. a game my Pentium 100MHz is too slow to run.. damned, I need to go back to Arulco! I'll definitely pick choice 1 for this one! (+1 to gamer specialization!) I know graphics aren't everything. But, in this case, they are incredibly charming. I like the slightly pixelated but extremely detailed sprites and "3D" world map. This games graphical style is reminiscent of JRPGs in terms of looks, but like you said, HOMM in terms of gameplay. I think I might pick this one up simply because the looks have really impressed me! Thanks for repeating it, haha.. ๐Ÿบ
  13. Hey, I keep dreaming! I know very little in game development; but I have my own suspicions that maybe some games don't get 100% attention. Maybe the team working on JA3 isn't on JA3 every day or every week. Maybe their work is shared between a few projects, so to us who want this soon, the game is not coming along very quickly. But that doesn't change the fact that some kind of update would have simply been a nice and welcome courtesy. Not like they "owe" us explanations, but we are on their forums, and I think it should be more than clear that most of us here are huge fans. I think transparency is always welcome, because at least it puts fans at ease to know someone actually even read (or at least acknowledged their presence). Unfortunately, here, I feel like we're in a sandbox playground, but there is no sand, no toys.. Not even a park around. For the game, it leaves a negative feeling for what is to come. ..at least though, there are some cool kids to play with in this sandbox!!! ๐Ÿป
  14. All of those are options in the .ini file from the start. They slowly added some options to the game menu as toggles.. but most options you simply put a number or TRUE or FALSE next to the line in the .ini. Except the AP. It maybe is an option, but I've never looked, so can't say it is. Hey, I mean, if you don't like it.. it isn't like you have to play with it. I can't say I agree with your assessment of the 100 AP changing the flow of battle, because it's simply a setting that multiplied other ap costs by 4 to add a little bit more wiggle room to have variety between the hundreds of added firearms.. just so you don't end up with 25 pistols that all have the same stat; now we can have a slightly quicker pistol, a slightly slower pistol. In the end, if something would have cost you 1 AP in the original 25 AP system, it will simply cost 4 AP in the 100 AP system. You don't have MORE AP than before.. But you know, I sorta understand that you want to play Jagged Alliance 2 1.12 and not 1.13. That's ok. In the end we're as much a fan of what made JA2 great, and that's all that matters.
  15. Super interesting read guys.. thanks for your inputs! Love the details you shared. Gives me a few ideas of things to try.
  16. The macro/micro-management aspects of JA2 are integral to its core! These are often the details that make or break a turn-based strategy game. These are aspects that give the game so much depth, but also, OPTIONS. Those who prefer to just do basic stuff.. you can get by. For those who like every little detail down to the percentage wear of that rifle you've been lugging around for a few battles, we have that option. Cut out that management? sure, maybe those who don't like it will be happy, but you do lose all the players who WANT it. JA2 has many elements of a wargame at a much smaller scale, yet keeps most of the minutiae that armchair generals appreciate.
  17. Shit, walked in the wrong door, sorry.. was looking for some Practical Explanations on the silence of the devs on JA3.
  18. Holy crap! You too? Yeah, I've got a couple unwrapped JA boxes, haha. Not like I need that, doesn't do anything but give me a fuzzy feeling inside. Wtv.. useless boxes, but they make me smile right, so what the heck! Please, for the love of god listen to RedFox ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  19. Absolutely! I mean, its among the best parts of that mod for myself.. but even without that, you can start a new game without the Ton of Guns option to stick to original.. and it's simple enought to also keep the original inventory management. There is very little reason to DISLIKE 1.13 as you can easily play pure vanilla but with a slightly better resolution only.
  20. When I was in elementary school... around grade 5 or 6, there were two guys in one of my classes that would discuss their Jagged Alliance games. But I didn't really know the game at that time. It's an old memory that surfaced recently. Only time I ever encountered JA gamers.
  21. Among my favorite "encounters" in JA2 is when you assault the Tixa prison and find your first AUG. A momentous moment for sure! Well, for me anyways, that's usually when I first come across it.
  22. My apologies for such a slow response.. I've had such a busy month and haven't been around gaming much the last weeks. Anyways, that post kind of made me laugh. Kind of hilarious how things just don't make much sense. I mean, don't get me wrong, I seriously appreciate living in a safe environment; I appreciate efforts that are made to keep us safe and I feel very secure to go out any time of the day/night where I live. But sometimes I feel like some of these things are absolutely a joke! I mean... I honestly don't even know WHERE to start... the .32 caliber thing is just a real joke, coming from a completely ignorant person. I mean, do they need to limit hunters to hunting squirrels for you guys to feel safe? It isn't like Sweden (or any other Scandinavian country) seems to be very high in the list of dangerous places. It's a little like here in Canada, lots of political play when using the gun laws. You've got so many ppl here in our cities who thing guns go around freely killing ppl who want to see ANY sort of projectile as the devil and want it all banned.. when we already live in the safer places of this planet. We have TV commercials talking about gun violence and we need to ban guns. Yet it has been clearly proven that most gun crime is committed with untraceable firearms off the black market. So.. maybe EDUCATION should be prioritized to help the maximum of ppl feel like they can get somewhere in life.. and in turn they may not turn to criminal activity. That's just too difficult, better just ban guns altogether and make yourself sound good on TV to get votes in right? ๐Ÿ™„
  23. Then I'll meet you at the Friendly Arm Inn for a few rounds of Evermead while we share grand tales of adventure! ๐Ÿบ I've got Ajantis as my "tank". Khalid as my damage dealer. Jaheira as a multirole fighter (what? is she a jet?). Myself as an Avenger (Yes, I had decided what my team was going to be before realizing I wanted to play an Avenger, oh well, two Druids that will level extrremely slow in BG2 ๐Ÿคฃ) Coran as my pro-Archer/Trap disarmer. Imoen which I dualed to mage at level 4 thief (she opens locks). It's kind of a goody-goody party, but that's okay. It fits my roleplaying style of gaming.
  24. Another newbie merc that almost always makes it on my squad. You can easily adapt him into most squads and as you said, his quick learning makes him a prime candidate!
  25. While I am not the GREATEST all-time fan of the Warhammer universe, WARHAMMER 40,000: DAWN OF WAR II was among my favorite small squad tactical games. Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters has kind of caught my eye (Steam store page link). Although it does come closer to the modern xcom which I am not the biggest fan of, I find it is fitting for that type of game/world.
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