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Everything posted by chr_isso

  1. I always dreamed about making my own JA remake, but i would only start such a project after winning the lottery, lol. However I already had awesome ideas for DLC and seperate modes, like a Macgyver Mode where you start at the sector, have to reach some checkpoint wihtout using weapons, but a shitload of crafting recipes. Or a wh40k campaign of 6 to 10 sectors where you start as imperial soldier, dying during mission (scripted) and be reborn/made as a space marine and then you fight through tons of orcs and tyrannids. So many possible options for round based games if the foundation - read engine - is done right...
  2. I'm a big fan of Vanilla JA2 and couldnt get too used to 1.13 as well. I played and finished 1.13 but return to Vanilla more often - even though Vanilla bores me too since i finished it too many times. So I really love to see JA3 as it is, but with more options to customize it. Make the squad inventory optional for beginners, make merc inventory bigger/ja2 like for experienced players. It has so much potential and all I can hope for is mods, if Vanilla JA3 should disappoint. But until then - go Devs, go. It's in your hand!
  3. IMP should just not get too much attention. For me those mercs were simply mules and i didnt care about them too much. Just my 2 cents..
  4. I always hoped there would be a port for JA2 to Android, so i could play on the tablet... But i guess that's not gonna happen, unfortunately.
  5. Well we have seen Hyenas, so why not Crocodiles too? Fuckers are quite fast, too...
  6. So .. at the age of 6? Since weapons in primary school seem to be quite normal in murica... haha, let's hope we won't face child-soldiers in JA3, but it would be fit in the narrative i guess.
  7. I wished there was a block function in this forum ... That sounds nice - I didn't follow the story in the YT/Twitch Videos too much since i didnt want to spoil myself.
  8. Yeah, and the more the options the more it can suit a lot of players. Which could mean more income, resulting in more support and content. Plus: replayability. That was the reason for "ton of guns" .. after the first playthrough, you might wanted to add a little complexity to the game and enjoy more guns. Glad you see this as I do - let's hope the DEV read about this, too.
  9. why is that funny? quite normal in america to enter army at 16, but not to be allowed to drink until 21...
  10. I really hope the story won't be black/white .. good/evil. I really wish the Antagonist had his reasons, the "rebels" have their own bad situations anf flaws and maybe .. just maybe .. you wanna take over the country yourself? I'm really bored of Hollywood story lines ...
  11. from the streams i watched, you enter sector from the west, then you deploy in the west... Same goes from the east. If you look some youtube streams, you will find a "North" indicator on one side of the screen. This is due the rotation of the camera, which will always put the sector you came from on the bottom.
  12. i never used that panel and i couldn't care less about it. i like stats, but that's no dealbreaker for me. if they add it, nice. if not, i don't care.
  13. Even in JA2, Snipers were overpowered. But it took quite some time to get a Dragunov or M24. Then you had your Assault Rifles like M14 early on, and fitted with a scope or laser it was pure gold. But that's how it should be, no? I'd rather see the NPCs use better tactics as you said, like smoke to cover their movement, flanking you and so on. Or even: Make them be so many, they overwhelm you. and be smart. But programming a smart KI is hard, so I really hope they get this a little going for us. An Sniper Shot could easily be balanced by taking all of your AP. you cant move or do anything because aiming takes time and you really need to think if an sniper is worth it, if you only get 1 shot and nothing else per round. everything resolves around balancing... Regarding the animations: Yep, i also hope they will implement some more, especially on the explosions. but that we will see in the future.
  14. If everything is so bad for you guys: you made your points, stated your opinion and maybe DEVs will read and think about it. Some are legit imho, some arent. But i'd like to focus not on bashing nor crying, but stating constructive criticism. So can you keep the bullsh!tting a little lower and .. keep constructive, please?
  15. Man, i really can't stand your negativity. we don't have any clue of the release date - there is plenty of time. Do you actually know anything about the studio? They have more than 50 employees, so wtf are you talking about dude. Stranded: Alien Dawn - 87% on Steam Surving Mars - 85% score on Steam Tropico 5 - 78% score on Steam since 2014! Tropico 4 - 91% score on Steam since 2011 Uh yeah, totally. Warzone/CoD LITERALLY had Clown and Saw Puppet Skins. And those have been best sellers. I absolutely see no issue at all, if they make the styles adjustable. It is zero to no problem to tint shirts to your own preference. Hence, all they need to do is make it possible. And if not - don't use that merc which has a pink shirt, ffs. This is not a simulation. This is a round based strategy game and it's looking the most promising it ever has. Now, let's go on: Imagine they implement - MODS. Can you imagine what this game will look and feel like, if this game will be made as JA3 1.13? I see your fear, but you make a clown of yourself with all that crying..
  16. Well, bro ... you usually don't want to spend 6+ hours of waiting time to just explore 2 sectors, if you can attack/clear the sector within 2 hours of ingame time. so you only explore if you build militia or repair/heal. i don't think it's a broken system, it's just an opportunity for idle mercs to do something useful.
  17. I think it's because he used the "Scout Area" Operation on the sector.
  18. Can you post the source of your screenshot please?
  19. okay, but there is no indication if the circle size doesn't change depending on chance-to-hit. e.g.: When you hover over an enemy that is in the open field and close to the merc (e.g.) 80% hit chance, the initial circle should be small. By investing points, the circle gets so small that it actually means: 100% hit chance. Take the circle as the standard distribution of shots, like in World of Tanks. The smaller the cicle the higher the chance to hit. But: in JA2 and JA3 the circle could be VERY small and still mean an unlikely chance to hit. So if you got like 10% chance to hit, the circle should be ridiculously big. You invest points, but the circle will only get a little smaller.. since you try an headshot from 100 meters with a desert eagle and no optics/laser on it.. what I'm saying is: i dont need numbers, but a reflection of likelyhood to hit in the circle.
  20. Yeah, looking forward to an answer from the DEVs, too. I would make the distance depending on the equipment of the Enemy/MERC. E.g. sunglasses will make you see more during day, but less during night. But i guess, when my Mercs are not behind cover and can see the enemy, the enemy should be able to see my mercs as well. But that would it make very hard to play a stealthy way, so i guess they will have to find some way to balance it.
  21. He's making some valid points in his summary, e.g. not knowing the exact percentage of his chance-to-hit which might be JA-style but could be too frustrating for players coming from other games. So i opt for options and making the game as accessible as possible to appeal to a lot of players. but then again, he says he didn't play the OG JA2 but the game feels like JA to him. Like .. what? So I guess the game is on the right way but still needs a lot of polish.
  22. Hi everyone, I thought I was going to start this topic, because I actually haven't read about it yet. After watching a lot of hours of JA3 streams from different streamers (mostly the bigger german streamers) I was really suprised of how little they knew about the game or series. Maybe I'm just old, but things that we're normal for me as a JA2 Veteran, seemed to be suprising or confusing to the streamers. So I want to bring up Game Options and Customizations: In JA2, I never liked the bugs/aliens that could appear in the mines of Drassen, Cambria, Grumm... so I was always turning them off. As I did with Tree Tops, Show Movement Path etc etc. So I really really hope the Devs will make the game as adjustable as possible: Show Multipiers Y/N, Show Misses, Show Chance-to Hit Percentage and so on and so on. Why is that important? For people wanting to play the "OG JA2" experience, settings could be set which e.g. don't show hit percentages. While people coming from X-COM, it would be weird not to see Hit-Percentages. To appeal to as many players as possible, having options to play the game to a users preference would highly contribute to the games success. What's your opinion?
  23. it's disgusting... where? Jokes aside, i realy liked the article. The world would be dull and liveless, if there wasn't any quests or individuals taking the opportunity to "hire" you for their own tasks, when you are there to "help". So I'm looking forward to it and i usually like doing side quests as they can bring some valueable loot, most of the times. Plus: i really love the duality of things: there is usually no good or bad, just two sides and two perspectives. What seems odd to one, may be normal to another. So please don't make things black and white, but add layers and depth into the quests.
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