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Everything posted by StoProGratis

  1. @Melliores yeah to me it looks like Haeamimont had a project for the whole game but the sales predictions were low so they decided what's crucial and what's not to cut the costs. Some things can be added later like the ingame internet websites and mercs. Looking at Surviving Mars Haeamimont can support game with a lot o dlcs if there are players.
  2. Happens to me sometimes. Port Cacao docks my machine gunner on the container shot two bursts into the container not the enemy.
  3. Have you tired the demo? Released today. "Apparently, We didn't F*** It Up! Fans and Press were happy with their mission to free Grand Chien! With an impressive 86% positive user rating on Steam and a metacritic rating of 81 we are proud of what Haemimont Games accomplished. If you are still unsure if Jagged Alliance 3 is for you, you can try out the demo on Steam: https://thqn.net/3pYYAvT --- Steam: https://thqn.net/ja3-steam Website: https://jaggedalliance.com Discord: https://discord.gg/jaggedalliance "
  4. @username55 in the 90's we had some rules. We took our drugs by ourselves and never forced anyone to do them 🙂 yeah, RPGs and mortars are too accurate.
  5. Psst... Can I have VHS tape of Pant Suit Loretta 6: The Men Are Away?
  6. I would love to see different uniform's like desert, jungle or at least camo kit.
  7. Nope, just curious how other people make their IMP's. @Jaywalker thank you for a lot info. How you made your IMP? Sniper, MG or some other?
  8. 30h in game I'm in day 10 not having more than 12 sector's and none of militia.
  9. Dude you gots to chill. I ain't triggering nobody just joking. But honestly I find it too easy without searching for enemies and staying aware in all directions. JA2 also had this option to see all enemies on the map and I also never used it.
  10. All would be happy with?: Adding crafting for scopes and other weapon upgrades. Keeping ammo crafting. Adding Bobby Rays with ammo but not so fast delivery.
  11. Anyone wants to share his snipers and machine Gunner IMPs perks build?
  12. Livewire is for gen z. As a boomer I refuse to use her. Her skill makes game too easy:)
  13. Ammo crafting makes no logic. How can you craft high precision bullets by your hand? Also it makes no sense that you can caft scope or bipod instantly and you craft 3 mags of ammo whole day. Keep crafting for scopes,.bipods and other weapon modifications. Bring the Bobby Rays back. Who's with me?
  14. Sooo it's like Ja2. That's why I've started my game with Automatic weapons IMP. HK21 in JA2 was best weapon IMO.
  15. What perks do you think are the ones you should get first? My IMP is making hidden kill from sniper rifle and then puts out machine gun for the harvest of running enemies.
  16. No, no. It's that WE thank YOU! The game is awesome! I love the world with many different sceneries, graphics, changing weather, dialogs and it's impact on the story, humour and atmosphere.The soul of Jagged Alliance is definitely there. It's deep game that you can feel the heart put into creation of JA3. The Currie definitely knows how to add flavor to the game!
  17. I keep reporting pirate keys on OLX.pl but the Netherlands owner of it is known to not respecting local law. They turn down my reports with arguments that they see nothing wrong. https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/jagged-alliance-3-wszystkie-dodatki-pc-CID99-IDWqooe.html Polish biggest selling platform Allegro.pl for the other hand banned the cheapest keys.
  18. From that missing list that we have in this topic we have equal number of mercs that fit to recruit, veteran,elite and, legendary groups. So far looking at SteamDB.info JA3 selling numbers are similar to another Haemont game - Surviving Mars, which had a lot of DLC's. So I think there will be some DLC soon.
  19. @Jaywalker I do agree. I liked 1.13 but I replayed the vanilla JA2 many more times. 1.13 had too much options for me and was over complicated in areas that you said.
  20. I often had him in my JA2 second team that was making repairs, training militia and logistics. I liked his voice. He had this vibe like a bad guy straight from 80/90's action movies.
  21. Yeah I always liked Trevor in my team. He was jack of all trades. Also often choice was Buzz, liked her dialogs and psycho character. Although I miss all the characters. They all were charming.
  22. That's what I was afraid of. Doesn't it also wears off weapons quicker? Can I train mechanics from 0? @Uncle Nick I swear I saw you on some other forums, can't remember where tho
  23. I think there are better ways for making the game harder without just making enemies bulletproof. I've just shot whole burst from Uzi into the snipers head from 1 box distance in the 3rd sector on the first island and he survived. Ideas for making game more challenging: - let the enemies interrupt your actions with some Avoid attack action for example you shoot burst but the enemy starts to run and you miss few bullet's making less damage. This can happen more frequently with more experienced enemies. The Merc or enemy can get few Action Penaltie points for that in the next turn. - better bulletproof equipment for higher level enemies and overall gear like grandes, flash bangs - at night the enemies can have searchlights so few scout's can spot you for the snipers behind them. And the flares if course 🙂 - in some guarded locations the guard dogs should be cool
  24. Today I had issue with flickering screen in game and on loading screens. The reason why it was flickering is that Geforce Experience "Optimized" my JA3 for me and forced resolution from 100% to 59%. After uninstalling Geforce Experience the flickering has been gone.
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