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Ideas for DLCs


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Hey guys,

i want to make a thread were we can give some ideas for future DLCs and maybe the devs will take some inspiration. (Dear devs take my ideas, they are free of charge and i dont claim anything if you are using them!!!)

My first idea would be some more sectors on the main map (please dont make extra campaigns, just expand the existing map!) with unseen features like an Oil-rig on the unused sea-sectors where you have to fight on upper deck and lower deck (like a dungeon) for some extra cash.

Another idea would be a (/some) sector(s) with a more urban feature for a urban warfare kind of playstyle. As far as i have seen there are mostly favela-style cities/villages. Maybe some urban brawls in a (more than one) story tall skyscraper would be neat. But dont seperate the stories like the dungeon maps but leave all the stories on the same map for a more vertical game experience that will give the fights a new feeling with more nuances. (maybe a destroyed skyscraper where you have to switch between the stories all the time to advance the map.

Last but not least a M.E.R.C.-addon were you get more mercs but the twist is M.E.R.C. is a top player in 2001. M.E.R.C. was a satire/persiflage on garage start-up companies (like Amazon, Microsoft, etc.) and maybe they exploded (like e.g. Amazon) and are now top notch. And for the new mercs on M.E.R.C. you have to haggle their pay were you dont have an exact number to pay but you have to offer some cash and the mercs agree, disagree or give a counter-offer. And please add some new mercs to the game! I love all the old mercs, but more new and fresh ones would breathe some frash life into the franchise (and all the old fans dont have a chance to complain how their favorite merc was masacred by the devs (as you can find some threads in this forum)). (Fanservice is nice but should be limited!)

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3 minutes ago, Briggadoon said:

My first idea would be some more sectors on the main map (please dont make extra campaigns, just expand the existing map!) with unseen features like an Oil-rig on the unused sea-sectors where you have to fight on upper deck and lower deck (like a dungeon) for some extra cash.

Its a goddamn good idea. But not for DLC, for original game. Pretty sure Haemimonts didnt think of it, low IQ guys. So many useless sea-sectors in the game.

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7 minutes ago, Briggadoon said:

You again. Not helpful and mean...


7 minutes ago, Briggadoon said:

Give some ideas instead of complaining! I would like to hear some more ideas.

Ure not first, there were many people with DLC ideas. But nobody cares, no one will do it. Lets wait original game first.

I just noticed that oil rigs is a good idea.

Edited by Lunokhod
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8 minutes ago, Uncle Nick said:

Aargh! Pirate DLC please? 

Like random raids from pirates (as an additional enemy) on the westcoast while your teams are stuck in the mainland. So you have a new nuance to the campaign where you have to secure the liberated sectors? Not bad of an idea.

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Some features that could be the base or part of a DLC :

* Vehicles : You can use cars, boats, helicopters, tanks(?) found in the sectors, to travel faster from sector to sector. If possible, get use of their trunk and use them on the tactical maps for locomotion/cover.

* Cosmetic : Add a second model/skin for each merc, including the tools to mod others.

* Sector fortification : Build defensive positions in the sectors, with sandbags, fixed machineguns, traps. Command militia, place them on the map, radio orders during combat, equip them (at least speciality kits)

* Another mercenary company : like M.E.R.C. in JA2, add a new mercenary company to recruit from, with its own style and roster.

* Spy game : Ok, I don't know exactly how Intel is working right now, but it could be extended to another level. An online service could provide intel on the country (something like R.I.S. in JA2). It could give some hints on the convoys, enemy presence in sectors, location of characters you are looking for, weather forecast, mine status (approx income and durability)... This could be another layer of strategy and another money sink.

* Merchants : Once again, I don't know how it works exactly right now, but it seems there are no Bobby ray's and local merchants don't seem to be very developped. This could be an opportunity to revamp them. Open a few online shops specialized in a field (weapons, medical, tools, protection...). Improve local merchants (UI, buy/sell, improved stock and refresh of its content).

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18 minutes ago, Grim said:

Cosmetic : Add a second model/skin for each merc, including the tools to mod others.

Spy game : Ok, I don't know exactly how Intel is working right now, but it could be extended to another level. An online service could provide intel on the country (something like R.I.S. in JA2). It could give some hints on the convoys, enemy presence in sectors, location of characters you are looking for, weather forecast, mine status (approx income and durability)... This could be another layer of strategy and another money sink.

I like these two ideas immensely! Other skins for your favorite mercs would be awesome!

The spy-game idea is also quite nice because you get another money sink (besides merchants which is in my eyes a must for JA3). You can buy intel for cash so you have to decide: a new merc, new gear from merchants or intel.

I like these ideas a lot, Thanks!

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4 hours ago, Grim said:

Some features that could be the base or part of a DLC :

* Sector fortification : Build defensive positions in the sectors, with sandbags, fixed machineguns, traps. Command militia, place them on the map, radio orders during combat, equip them (at least speciality kits)

This is all you needed to say. That sounds awesome, especially if the militia is intelligent like in ja2 1.12, and if the increased difficulty modes involve enemies attempting to use mortors and noob-tubes to try and regain a sector (1.13 style). That'd be pretty cool, but that's why it won't get hit their idea table...not xcom-y enough.

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Weapon realism would be an obvious choice for DLC. That will take some adjustment to make it closer to realism while not being so realistic it leaves everybody dead or out of action in one shot. The enemy AI has to be good enough to compensate for any damage boost. I will more than likely try making a mod like that.

More mercs and different outfits is another good choice. Maybe even a serious merc mod with more of a lifelike range of personalities, instead of caricatures. You could make them part of a historical period of Africa. An operation taking place in the 70s for instance, with weapons from that timeline. That would mean no rail attachments, huge lights, no lasers, simple telescopic sights, instead of additional Red Dots and ACOGs.

You could create a siege mission where you have to defend a compound on all sides from overwhelming enemy forces. I don't know whether there would be some kind of initial setup phase but if possible, you could use that to set up landmines, tripwires, claymores and sandbags. There might be one or two deployable M2HB heavy machine guns that you could position. You then have to survive until the final turn. Maybe the final turn can show friendlies arriving by vehicle to take over. If JA3's engine allows for it, the first few turns can start off in daylight, followed by dusk and then night time.

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I'm not sure where DLC ends and "entirely new game" begins, but new campaigns are the one thing I would happily pay for. Either on new maps but as part the JA3 universe (like with JA2:UB in a neighbouring country) or with improved old sectors but a different setting a few years later. Missions in a different climate zone would also be fun - landing on that snowy mountain in JA2:UB was very "refreshing".

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21 minutes ago, Solaris_Wave said:

Weapon realism would be an obvious choice for DLC. That will take some adjustment to make it closer to realism while not being so realistic it leaves everybody dead or out of action in one shot. The enemy AI has to be good enough to compensate for any damage boost. I will more than likely try making a mod like that.

More mercs and different outfits is another good choice. Maybe even a serious merc mod with more of a lifelike range of personalities, instead of caricatures. You could make them part of a historical period of Africa. An operation taking place in the 70s for instance, with weapons from that timeline. That would mean no rail attachments, huge lights, no lasers, simple telescopic sights, instead of additional Red Dots and ACOGs.

While I really like the first idea. I don't think I should be SOLD something that I feel should have been part of the game to start with.

If they went with more unrealistic approach at the weapons damage, I'm guessing their entire system is based on that damage model.

This is EXTREMELY similar to JA Back in Action. That game has had very few mods to fix things, because too much is hard-coded into the layers of calculations, they took a radically different approach at weapons, types and damage. I fear this is the same here. Too much is tied into the balancing of the weapons damage to make it feasible to "fix" later on.

Keep in mind, JA3 seems to be locked into very tiny combat sections. Compare that to JA2 where you could technically start combat on one section of the map and even end combat on the other end, without ever even going into Real-Time mode. JA3 seems to be balanced to play like modern xcoms, where you will encounter a small group, and there is no help from further away enemies. Once you defeat the enemies in a tiny section, that is all.

Outfits are nice. I hope this won't become something monetized. Here, want a nice cargo vest, of flak jacket look on your merc. $5 please.

No thank you!

Edited by GODSPEED
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On 7/5/2023 at 2:00 PM, Briggadoon said:

Last but not least a M.E.R.C.-addon were you get more mercs but the twist is M.E.R.C. is a top player in 2001.

From what I've seen M.E.R.C. guys are already in game and at least some of them are recruitable. Without spoiling too much I believe it is possible to say that there is no dedicated M.E.R.C. site (at least in the very beginning) so you have to search for them in Grand Chien. And no, it doesn't seem they became a top-tier brand 😁

Really great suggestion to fill the sea with something worthy like oil rigs. I would also welcome merc packs as well as campaign and map extensions. A new recruitment service (the third one actually) and a new campaign on the same map several years later also sound brilliant 🙂

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If the original "world-map" could be extended in a suitable direction, maybe a new faction could be included. Greedy Corporation focused on extracting rare minerals, employing high end mercenaries and gear to keep control of the mines and area of control?

Very cliche setup but suitable for the setting.

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How about game after game? Series of challenges after closing credits? Your final merc team against super tough challenges. Just stand alone maps and maybe hospital in between.

Similar concept introduced by this King Arthur TBS


Another idea could be roguelike concept. You have bunch of missions quickly ramping up difficulty, merc leveling and cool loot after each mission.

You have a lot of scrap, hospital and vendor between missions.

No save scumming available.

Perhaps once modding tool gets into full maturity that wont be that complex 😐 could give it a stab.

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31 minutes ago, Claypl said:

How about game after game? Series of challenges after closing credits? Your final merc team against super tough challenges. Just stand alone maps and maybe hospital in between.

Similar concept introduced by this King Arthur TBS


Another idea could be roguelike concept. You have bunch of missions quickly ramping up difficulty, merc leveling and cool loot after each mission.

You have a lot of scrap, hospital and vendor between missions.

No save scumming available.

Perhaps once modding tool gets into full maturity that wont be that complex 😐 could give it a stab.

You are talking about SIR TECHs Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games concept.

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4 hours ago, 5Cents said:

You are talking about SIR TECHs Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games concept.

Great, another nod to the history!

Similar concept sure, but let me elaborate:
* you get bigger starting cash and you can hire extra mercs during breaks but it should be almost prohibitive or big tradeoff between hiring new guys vs investing into equipment
* you only run one squad all the time without training/patient rest over between missions, with only limited quick health
* no salaries
* permanent wounds / limited wound heals
* highly accelerated merc progression (perhaps lvl per mission)
* no turn limits as in DG, no ability to fail mission either, you either succeed or die
* equipment maintenance (quick repair / adjustments / crafting) between missions only
* proper shop (buy / sale / repair / trading scrap)
* you could build on concept and have meta progression unlocking mercs / equipment etc

Having similar concept implemented in base game would also lower requirement for creating custom campaign.

TBH I forgot DG setup.
Credit to Zemalf for history lesson

Holly shit 70 mercs available in DG! We still have some work to do boys 😛
Also, I wonder if we also getting manual for JA3 😐

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