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If you had to pick your 3 fav weapons for JA3, what would those be?


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I want ALL GUNS.

But the point is to pick your 3 favorite.

I've always been a big fan of battle rifles and high rof assault rifles, but also compactness.. so for me, if I HAD to really pick 3 of my favorite weapons I absolutely wanted in JA3;

- DSA SA58 OSW Fal (Help I've Fal-len)
- HK G3KA4

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Too much

1 hour ago, GODSPEED said:

I want ALL GUNS.

I think that too many weapons is not so good for a great fun of the game. Additional number of guns should be added as a mod from community or DLC, as it has been so far.

And yes, it is very hard to pick up only three favourite guns, but if I had to choose, it would be:

- FN MINIMI from JA2

- BARRETT M82 from JA2 UB

- H&K G36 from JA2 Wildfire



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I'd love to see some vintage weaponry in game. It would actually be quite realistic...WWII vintage and even older weapons are still in use in all those minor (and major) scale wars in Africa and Middle East. SMLE, Mosin-Nagant, even heard about StG 44 still in use there...the possibilities are many.

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4 hours ago, Sarin said:

I'd love to see some vintage weaponry in game. It would actually be quite realistic...WWII vintage and even older weapons are still in use in all those minor (and major) scale wars in Africa and Middle East. SMLE, Mosin-Nagant, even heard about StG 44 still in use there...the possibilities are many.

I think this is a must; seeing old and run down weaponry with a slow progression towards some more modern stuff is something I really enjoy!

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For some reason I especially like the weapons used by the armies of the country. In Germany I used it myself in the training, the others I mostly know from Games:

Germany: G36 by H&K

France: FAMAS

Austria: Steyr AUG

and then as some Bonus I also like to see the FN P90. Since I saw it the first time im Counterstrike I like it with its "unique" magazine clip.

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32 minutes ago, Kordanor said:

For some reason I especially like the weapons used by the armies of the country.

Sometimes, when playing JA2, I decide to add my own "roleplay" by trying to give weapons to the mercs that I think they would be familiar with. So for Ron & Charlene, I would stick to weapons SWAT use, like M4, MP5, Benelli Shotguns,.. Igor/Ivan with russian toys, Gunther with German assault rifles (G36 with grenade launcher)... and so on.

32 minutes ago, Kordanor said:


and then as some Bonus I also like to see the FN P90. Since I saw it the first time im Counterstrike I like it with its "unique" magazine clip.


I think the first time I saw it was in Stargate.

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So many was to go about answering this. I'm torn between the most interesting, favorites irl, best performance in game...

I would have weirdly specific conditions, too. Like, yeah, the .50 Barret is bada*s, but it's really not a good anti personnel sniper rifle. If there were vehicles in play, however... ❤️ ambush the heck out of convoys SUVs, BTR, even tanks, yes, please! Which probably leads to another thread more important than Is there going to be wildlife in JA3 - vehicles.

I disliked unrealistic weapons in JA. They were the odd ones out.

I wish for the interesting guns, because of course there will be AKs and ARs. GODSPEED's evil question asked for just 3 and wasted my day thinking which to leave out... so here's 6:

HK G11 - the ugliest gun. It's a black rectangle in the game, too. But you have to appreciate the reason for its existence. You can never find caseless ammo for it either, which is a great touch. Did Bobby Ray's have caseless ammo? I forget, but no, he shouldn't be able to supply that.

AN-94 - definitely an interesting gun, firing two rounds with one barrel cycle, increasing double hit probability before recoil.

P90 - unique magazine feed and lot's of love in games and movies, but my main reason is that I liked the idea of having a stealthy merc with a primary P90 and a sidearm of the same caliber - the Five-Seven which I also love.

A compound bow - BUT not like Hawkeye or Legolas - pulling dental floss attached what can only be a thin stick with that resistance. It's hard and slow draw and aim. Not a crossbow either, nor a recurve bow. I imagine it as a very rare/unique weapon that a recruitable NPC (a sports coach?) decides to do some damage with. NOT the pros shipping out with bows punisher style - they wouldn't even know how to shoot them.

Welrod - or modern equivalent if there is one. It is one of very few guns that can achieve sound suppression to the levels illustrated in movies. Suppressors are not silencers and are LOUD. The Welrod isn't, at least for a dozen shots, at which point you have to replace the rubber pads - not easy or quick.

Remington Model 700 (M24) - for me the definition of what a sniper rifle should look like. The Intervention is also interesting, but again... a .50 caliber rifle is simply dysfunctional.

On 9/25/2021 at 1:43 PM, Sarin said:

I'd love to see some vintage weaponry in game. It would actually be quite realistic

I think a variety of older guns is a must. I always enjoyed games with older weapons as with them there's always a trade off. Each is good at one thing only. I'd hate a universally epic weapon you never have to switch from.

19 hours ago, Kordanor said:

For some reason I especially like the weapons used by the armies of the country.

This. Also the reason may be that national service weapons are subject to crazy high requirements and tests (heard something like 30 000 rounds without breaking down... for a pistol...). A lot of the time it's a contest, too so the winner is the best of the best... and sometimes the cheapest good option (like what probably happens at my end) :D.

19 hours ago, GODSPEED said:

give weapons to the mercs that I think they would be familiar with.

I didn't go that far, but that would definitely be a nice feature - Ivan protesting against using a M16. It's like refusing to work with capitalists/communists, which I think exists in JA1 and or JA2.

Also I think it's great that their initial equipment is in accordance to their background and an IMP character's personality. I hope they never make them spawn with all the same stuff.

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34 minutes ago, SWi74 said:

HK G11 - the ugliest gun. It's a black rectangle in the game, too. But you have to appreciate the reason for its existence. You can never find caseless ammo for it either, which is a great touch. Did Bobby Ray's have caseless ammo? I forget, but no, he shouldn't be able to supply that.

I didn't go that far, but that would definitely be a nice feature - Ivan protesting against using a M16. It's like refusing to work with capitalists/communists, which I think exists in JA1 and or JA2.

You could get 4.7mm and 5.7mm ammo from Tony. Nowhere else.


Having mercs react to some specific weapons would be great touch. Maybe even few having some special interactions with them, for example Scope having higher rate of fire with SMLE (if both will be ingame) due to her training...but that might be a touch too much.

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43 minutes ago, SWi74 said:

So many was to go about answering this. I'm torn between the most interesting, favorites irl, best performance in game...

An impossible task, even for me..

43 minutes ago, SWi74 said:

GODSPEED's evil question asked for just 3 and wasted my day thinking which to leave out... so here's 6:


43 minutes ago, SWi74 said:

HK G11 - the ugliest gun. It's a black rectangle in the game, too. But you have to appreciate the reason for its existence. You can never find caseless ammo for it either, which is a great touch. Did Bobby Ray's have caseless ammo? I forget, but no, he shouldn't be able to supply that.

I think they owe it to JA2 to put this one in as an easter egg... with the HK Caws

The only way to get ammo with it was from Tony I believe... although they might have added it to Bobby Ray's in some 1.13.. I can't remember, I am playing it now, but I do not have the G11 yet, so I will make a mental note (however that works..) and check it out.

43 minutes ago, SWi74 said:

Welrod - or modern equivalent if there is one. It is one of very few guns that can achieve sound suppression to the levels illustrated in movies. Suppressors are not silencers and are LOUD. The Welrod isn't, at least for a dozen shots, at which point you have to replace the rubber pads - not easy or quick.

Yes, and the PB 6P9 (noiseless Makarov) that I first learned about in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl...

Actually, I've always been a huge fan of all the "prototypical" weaponry the Russians come up with.. and that we learn about like 30 years later.

AN-94 is such a good example of another rifle that should be present in game, but not as a mass weapon.. something that some special character has... only 1 of these please!

I am seriously extremely anxious to know what weapons the devs have decided to put in the game.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if this counts as a necro.

@GODSPEED pick 3? How about 300? 😂.

My 3 picks:

The Stoner 63 system

The HK51K

And how about something Swedish? So the Carl Gustaf M45 smg, or the AG42 Ljungman rifle. 


I for one, would love to see some prototype and uncommon guns. HK G11, HK CAWS, Pancor Jackhammer. That tri barrel bullpup kalashnikov. The Colt CMG3, etc.

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Hi there

many if you mentioned rifles and guns, sure fn fal, minimi, c7/m16, sks, desert eagle, caws and many more where also my favourites in JA2!

But in the late game it was mostly impossible to get forward without using grenades, 40mm launcher, mortar and the bazooka!

So for me it would be indispensable to have a huge selection of this weaponary.

Aspecialiy the use of the mortar was very useful as it could fire over more the half of the map, but with out the heavy arms peark very inaccurate.

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On 12/18/2021 at 11:43 AM, SpaceHaze said:

Aspecialiy the use of the mortar was very useful as it could fire over more the half of the map, but with out the heavy arms peark very inaccurate.


Tell that to AI. My first ever encounter with mortar in JA2 was when its user blew himself up by hitting the rock behind which he was hiding.

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On 12/19/2021 at 6:36 PM, Sarin said:

Tell that to AI. My first ever encounter with mortar in JA2 was when its user blew himself up by hitting the rock behind which he was hiding.

Haha! 🤣

Similar experience, but the guy blew up a few of his buddies, fear turned to absolute joy!

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/27/2022 at 6:51 AM, RedFox said:

Steyr Aug,Barrett 50.,FN p90

Among my favorite "encounters" in JA2 is when you assault the Tixa prison and find your first AUG. A momentous moment for sure!

Well, for me anyways, that's usually when I first come across it.

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  • 1 month later...

Going most definitely with :


1. FN Scar / MK 17 (We have it already on JA Rage, simply the best assault rifle imo but have doubts it will be in JA3 since it taking place around 2001 - 2005 if am not wrong and the FN Scar is in service since 2009.)


2. AK - 103 (Right now 1 of the best Russian rifles, if not the best imo, in service since 2001.)


3. Steyr AUG (We had it already in JA2, also a assault rifle i like.)


All assault rifles should be able to get modified with scope, night vision, grenade launcher and silencer etc....


Yeap am pretty much a assault rifle fan, but would like to see the Dragunov (in JA2 my favourite sniper rifle) back as well, also a Barrett M95 or M82 (which shoots 50 caliber) would be really epic but should be rare to get. RPG should be there as well especially towards end of the game, would be cool if tanks or armored vehicles with turret will also appear in some sectors just like in JA2. So there we will need the anti tank, armor weapons such RPG (especially in Africa the famous RPG-7 is used very oftenly still today).

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May a lil out of topic but there also need to be different kind of grenades, as like flammable (Molotov cocktail), stun, smoke and deadly gas (the mustard gas grenade was so epic in JA2.) We already know Fidel is a grenade expert so he will do a handful stuff against the enemy forces with it.


Then hopefully our enemy forces (mercs, soldiers) should make realistic sounds when they getting hit or die (sounds like aaarrrgh, oaaahhh) instead we see in the trailer when our enemy got hit he says "that hurt" like got stung from a hornet.🐝 😂

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